Projects with this topic
TimageTK (Tissue Image Toolkit) is a Python package dedicated to image processing of multicellular architectures, such as plants or animals. It is intended for biologists, modellers and computer scientists.
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Simple example of a docker-in-docker project launched on the shared runners with good practices.
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Articulatory speech synthesizer based on physical modeling, especially designed to simulate occlusive consonants
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A simple example repository to start working with robotics toolbox in python encapsulated in an anaconda environment.
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Package to manipulate alignment results (DNA sequence, bioinfo) such as blast and nucmer tsv outputs.
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A new reachable space approximation method for robot manipulators based on convex polytope algebra
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Gitlab test reports and coverage feature on a Python project using pytest. Keywords: python, test reports, coverage, pytest, gitlabci
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The tool, written in Python, of the implementation of the algorithm presented in FORMATS 2020 (ref: CMMJ2020) Long version paper:
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Geometric processing of vector drawings in python3
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A simple project showing how to use Witmotion IMUs for doing inverse kinematics using biorbd library and calculating the human's force polytope.
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This is a repository with examples of how to use pyomeca borbd and bioviz software for manipulation of musculoskeletal models.
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A tool for a numeric algorithm that computes an approximate values of the permissiveness function for general timed automata. For resource: see the chapter 6 of the thesis of Emily Clement (Section 6.1)
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A python pip package for easier manipulaiton of pinocchio robot models
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A repo demonstrating how to use python KDL library and anaconda.
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This Python repository offers a way to perform a markerless kinematic analysis from multiple calibrated views as a unified workflow from an OpenPose input to an OpenSim result.
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New on-line polytope vertex search algorithm optimised for force and velocity polytope evaluation of serial robots.
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A project containing a catkin workspace that communicates with the HoloLens 2 application PandaCapacityAR and visualizes the polytopes of a Franka Emika Panda robot's task space capacities.