Projects with this topic
TimageTK (Tissue Image Toolkit) is a Python package dedicated to image processing of multicellular architectures, such as plants or animals. It is intended for biologists, modellers and computer scientists.
The library offers an array of tools for image enhancement, transformation, and feature extraction. From mathematical morphology to filtering algorithms and peak detection, they refine image data and assist in critical processing workflows for various analysis needs.
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Simple example of a docker-in-docker project launched on the shared runners with good practices.
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Articulatory speech synthesizer based on physical modeling, especially designed to simulate occlusive consonants
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A simple example repository to start working with robotics toolbox in python encapsulated in an anaconda environment.
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Package to manipulate alignment results (DNA sequence, bioinfo) such as blast and nucmer tsv outputs.
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A new reachable space approximation method for robot manipulators based on convex polytope algebra
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Gitlab test reports and coverage feature on a Python project using pytest. Keywords: python, test reports, coverage, pytest, gitlabci
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The tool, written in Python, of the implementation of the algorithm presented in FORMATS 2020 (ref: CMMJ2020) Long version paper:
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Geometric processing of vector drawings in python3
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A simple project showing how to use Witmotion IMUs for doing inverse kinematics using biorbd library and calculating the human's force polytope.
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This is a repository with examples of how to use pyomeca borbd and bioviz software for manipulation of musculoskeletal models.
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A tool for a numeric algorithm that computes an approximate values of the permissiveness function for general timed automata. For resource: see the chapter 6 of the thesis of Emily Clement (Section 6.1)
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A python pip package for easier manipulaiton of pinocchio robot models
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A repo demonstrating how to use python KDL library and anaconda.
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A project containing a catkin workspace that communicates with the HoloLens 2 application PandaCapacityAR and visualizes the polytopes of a Franka Emika Panda robot's task space capacities.
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Generation of a sphinx documentation in the pages of a small python application.
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Python library for controlling an Ozobot Evo robot via its Bluetooth connection.