Projects with this topic
TimageTK (Tissue Image Toolkit) is a Python package dedicated to image processing of multicellular architectures, such as plants or animals. It is intended for biologists, modellers and computer scientists.
The library offers an array of tools for image enhancement, transformation, and feature extraction. From mathematical morphology to filtering algorithms and peak detection, they refine image data and assist in critical processing workflows for various analysis needs.
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Various tools to run scientific computer experiments.
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Implementation of CRDTp and CRDTd encapsulation mecanisms to evaluate ACCURE - see
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A series of Jupyter notebooks and exported slides that serve as an introduction and tutorial for Hydronaut.
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A simple project showing how to use Witmotion IMUs for doing inverse kinematics using biorbd library and calculating the human's force polytope.
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This repository proposes python bindings of C++ functions to approximate any multiparameter persistence module with an interval decomposable multipersistence module.
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Official PyTorch Implementation of "An Efficient Data Strategy for the Detection of Brain Aneurysms from MRA with Deep Learning" paper
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Correcting estimations of copepod volume from 2-dimensional images
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A new reachable space approximation method for robot manipulators based on convex polytope algebra
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Analysis scripts and Cribble visual tool for FF4EuroHPC WP4.