Gazelle Test Bed
Projects with this topic
Containerized documentation of customer environments
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Simulation of Patient related actors (PIX, PDQ, PAM... and in various HL7 versions)
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PKI to share x.509 test certificates, simulation of ATNA and XUA actors, validation service of ATNA messages and XUA assertions.
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Data transformation service based on Daffodil (DFDL)
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Validation service for XML documents, based on Schematron description.
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Validation service for HL7v2 messages.
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Expose CDA validators generated by GOC as web-service.
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Test Management tool (Testing session management, user, organization and system registration, network configuration, test plan and test execution, reporting).
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Generation of human demographics data.
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Simulator of XD* client-actors, Validation service of XD* messages.
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Various tools for Gazelle TM (& EVS) [gazelle-tm-tools].
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Suite of utilities [gazelle-tools]
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Simulation of HPD actors
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Contextual validation of XML documents (test assertions across several documents).
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Simulation of XDW actors.
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Value Set repository and Simulation of SVS actors.
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Token generator for Gazelle Test Management