- Dec 01, 2016
PRUVOST Florent authored
- use (starpu_cpu_func_t) 1 trick, same as cuda_func - cpu funtions are not defined anymore avoiding the dependency to coreblas - add #if !defined(CHAMELEON_SIMULATION) where it is needed - remove dependency to the coreblas library (become useless) - remove useless simucblas, simulapacke libraries - remove CHAMELEON_SIMULATION_MAGMA cmake variable and definition - keep using CHAMELEON_USE_CUDA and CHAMELEON_USE_MAGMA to consider CUDA kernels - this avoid to introduce useless new variables - work on messages
PRUVOST Florent authored
- Nov 30, 2016
PRUVOST Florent authored
PRUVOST Florent authored
Mathieu Faverge authored
Mathieu Faverge authored
- Nov 28, 2016
PRUVOST Florent authored
THIBAULT Samuel authored
don't force calibration in simulation mode. It does not make sense, and hides the StarPU detailed warning about missing calibration
- Nov 25, 2016
PRUVOST Florent authored
fix use of cuda+magma in simulation mode: size of workspace must be consistent between real and simu modes
PRUVOST Florent authored
- Nov 04, 2016
THIBAULT Samuel authored
THIBAULT Samuel authored
THIBAULT Samuel authored
THIBAULT Samuel authored
- Nov 02, 2016
PRUVOST Florent authored
- Oct 29, 2016
Guillaume Sylvand authored
to change the default values for tag_width(=31) and tag_sep(=24). Today, it serves only with starPU.
- Oct 20, 2016
PRUVOST Florent authored
- Oct 14, 2016
PRUVOST Florent authored
chameleon: enrich the dependencies between chameleon_parsec lib and parsec libs with the _DEP variable coming from morse finds
PRUVOST Florent authored
chameleon: enrich the dependencies between the runtime interface libs of chameleon and the runtime libs with the _DEP variable coming from morse finds
- Oct 13, 2016
Guillaume Sylvand authored
- Oct 12, 2016
Guillaume Sylvand authored
Guillaume Sylvand authored
Guillaume Sylvand authored
MPI tag upper bound: MPI_TAG_UB is included (so on most platform the default values tag_width=31, tag_sep=24 are ok)
Guillaume Sylvand authored
Guillaume Sylvand authored
timing: add option --bigmat to choose if we allocate one big 'mat' array or if the runtime allocates the tile one by one
Guillaume Sylvand authored
To use your own progress indicator, - Define a function with prototype "void my_update_progress(int currentValue, int maximumValue)" - Pass it to chameleon with "ierr=MORSE_Set_update_progress_callback(my_update_progress)" - Activate progress indicator with MORSE_Enable(MORSE_PROGRESS)
Guillaume Sylvand authored
morse_desc_init_user(): If one of the function get_* is NULL, we switch back to the default, like in morse_desc_init() This allows to change only 1 or 2 of the 3 functions, and keep the other unchanged. For example, in OOC, only the 1st is modified (to always return NULL).
Guillaume Sylvand authored
Remove large blocks of duplicated code by calling morse_desc_init_user() from morse_desc_init() and morse_desc_init_diag()
- Oct 04, 2016
Guillaume Sylvand authored
With previous syntax, CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH contains empty spaces and rpath doesn't work at execution (libchameleon.so not found).
- Sep 22, 2016
Guillaume Sylvand authored
Guillaume Sylvand authored
to avoid reverse dependency libcoreblas->libchameleon set_coreblas_gemm3m_enabled()/get_coreblas_gemm3m_enabled() allow to set/get this variable.
PRUVOST Florent authored
- Sep 20, 2016
Guillaume Sylvand authored
This routine, available in MKL, does a product in 6n^3 ops instead of 8n^3 but is interesting only for "large enough" matrices (to be tested...) Potentially, we gain 25 % in all complex computations. It could be interesting to look for it / implement it in cuda. !!! Note that the flop counters are not updated !!! !!! In C/Z accuracy, most flops counter should be x0.75 !!! IT is OFF by default It is activated with MORSE_Enable(MORSE_GEMM3M) In the timing routines, it is activated with --gemm3m
Guillaume Sylvand authored
IT is OFF by default It is activated with MORSE_Enable(MORSE_PROGRESS) In the timing routines, it is activated with --progress No progress is printed for tasks faster than 10 seconds
- Sep 17, 2016
PRUVOST Florent authored
- Sep 15, 2016
THIBAULT Samuel authored
- Sep 14, 2016
PRUVOST Florent authored
chameleon: cblas/lapacke headers should not be duplicated, factorize error message if cblas/lapacke function are called in simu mode
- Sep 13, 2016
THIBAULT Samuel authored
- Sep 12, 2016
PRUVOST Florent authored
PRUVOST Florent authored