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Project moved to https://gitlab.com/ed-matisse/latex-template.
Former repository for the PhD thesis LaTeX template for the 13 doctoral schools of Collège doctoral de Bretagne. Project initiated by former PhD students of the MATISSE doctoral school (formerly MathSTIC) in collaboration with the doctoral school.
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Real-time capable task-space capacity evaluation python module https://auctus-team.gitlabpages.inria.fr/people/antunskuric/pycapacity/
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An R package for specifying and extracting data frames ready for data analysis from populations of MR images.
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Former repository for the DBL LaTeX thesis template. Moved to https://gitlab.com/ed-matisse/latex-template.
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A fork of MATISSE's thesis template
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Implementation of CRDTp and CRDTd encapsulation mecanisms to evaluate ACCURE - see accure.rigelk.eu
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Python class to help calling VARNA [API page] https://amibio.gitlabpages.inria.fr/varna-api/