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  • Mikaël Salson's avatar
    segment.h: The minimal window length was actually quite small. · 8aa67229
    Mikaël Salson authored and Mathieu Giraud's avatar Mathieu Giraud committed
    It was hard to make some tests (eg. unsegmentation-causes.should-get) have a
    too short window. Modifying a constant just so that the test passes is bad
    practice, but this is not the case here (at least I believe so).  Having
    difficulties to have a too short w also meant that in practice we would almost
    never see a “too short w” again. This could be nice. But we know that the
    position of the window is not accurate (it is not designed to be). Therefore
    20nt, if they are perfectly centered may be ok. But we know that it may not be
    well centered (and we even allow some shifts). Therefore 30nt seems to be a
    safer limit.
    See #2913