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  • 2.5.0
    bec6c922 · 2.5.0 ·
  • 2.4.0
    59b301dc · 2.4.0 ·
  • 2.3.1
    8e1ce539 · (correctly) bump version ·
    minimalkb 2.3.1
    *Released on 29 Apr 2022*
    - Re-release of 2.3.0 with correct version number. No functional
  • 2.3.0
    minimalkb 2.3.0
    *Released on 12 Apr 2022*
    - Add ROS support via Revise, Query, Sparql, Manage services
  • 2.2.1
    minimalkb 2.2.1
    - better error handling/reporting
    - slightly stricter statement parsing
    - updated LICENSE to 2022
    - remove requirement for rdflib >= 6.0.0 (works with RDFlib 4.x.x)
  • 2.2.0
    minimalkb 2.2.0
    - change find() API to make it more consistent
      - whatever the number of variables, always returns a list of dict with the
        variables as key
      - the param 'vars' is now optional.
      - if no variable is passed, search for all variables by default
      - anonymous variables (starting by `__`) are now named var1, var2,... in
        the results
    - removed unused `minimalkb/services` sub-package
  • 2.1.0
    minimalkb 2.1.0
    - add `kb.label` to retrieve (multi-lingual) labels associated to a term
    - add support for querying direct classes, instances, subclasses, superclasses
      (via eg `kb.details`)
    - significantly simplify the event subscription mechanism. Now, you simply
      pass a list of patterns with an optional `one_shot` parameter (false by
    - better [API documentation](
    - remove `kb.check` as it was strictly equivalent to `kb.exist`
    - fix bug where loaded ontologies would not be processed by the reasoner
    - fix internal methods being mistakenly exposed in the API
    - a few other minor bug fixes
  • 2.0.0
    minimalkb 2.0.0
    **Attention: minimalkb-2.0 is a major rewrite of minimalkb, and only partially
    backward-compatible with minimalkb-1.x.x**
    - complete rewrite of the core, around rdflib-6.x.x
    - as a consequence, much more standard-compilant parsing of statements
    - integration with [`reasonable`](
      for fast OWL2 RL reasoning.
    - a new `sparql` API method has been add, to perform raw SPARQL queries.
    - old compatibility (`compat`) API methods have been removed
    - the `find` API method does not take a `constraints` parameter any more
    - `retract` has been renamed to `remove`
  • 1.2.1
    minimalkb 1.2.1
    see CHANGELOG for details.
  • 1.2.0
    See for the changelog.
  • 1.1.2
    minimalkb 1.1.2
    see CHANGELOG for details
  • 1.1.1
    babda8c5 · bump version ·
    minimalkb 1.1.1
    see CHANGELOG for details.
  • 1.1.0
    minimalkb 1.1.0
    Main changes since 1.0.0:
    - fix issue with SQLite triple store where statements were uniquely
    identified by an unstable hash algorithm.
  • 1.0.0
    minimalkb 1.0.0
    Main changes since 0.9:
    - port to python3
    - added (some) documentation
    - api: load() can take option 'models' parameter
    - provide more exhaustive API documentation with starting with --debug
    - added support for OWL2 RL rules cls-thing and cls-nothing1
  • 0.9
    ca1cfd6a · Bumped version ·
    minimalkb 0.9
    Main changes since 0.8.1:
    - fixes + doc in the reasoning engine
    - clean-up of unit-tests (cf current results below)
    - a few other minor bugfixes
    Unit-tests results:
    - `testing/`: 17 tests, 1 expected error (unsupported feature: multiple var in multi-pattern queries) , 0 failure
    - `testing/`: 5 tests, 0 errors, 0 failures
    - `testing/`: 17 tests, 4 errors, 3 failures
    Some stats regarding the Dialogs unit-tests (unchanged since 0.8.1):
    (note that some of the failures are Dialogs bugs, not minimalkb ones)
    | suite            | nb tests | tests run | failures | errors ||  OK |
    | statements       |    63    |     63    |    12    |    2   ||  49 |
    | sentence         |    33    |     33    |     0    |    0   ||  33 |
    | discrimination   |    13    |     13    |     6    |    5   ||   2 |
    | parser           |    72    |     72    |     7    |    0   ||  65 |
    | verbalization    |    76    |     76    |     4    |    0   ||  72 |
    | questions        |    42    |     42    |    13    |    0   ||  29 |
    | TOTAL            |   299    |    299    |    42    |    7   ||  250|
    Total time: 14.257743sec
  • 0.8.1
    ad4a8147 · Bumped to 0.8.1 ·
    minimalkb 0.8.1
    Main changes since 0.8:
    - version correctly bumped ;-)
  • 0.8
    minimalkb 0.8
    Main changes since 0.7:
    - improved a bit behaviour of memoization: 'undecided' reasoning results are not memoized anymore; 'clear' also clear memoized results
    - use only the default model (previously all) when no model is specified
    - 'lookup' request has been significantly improved, in particular by taking into account labels.
    - 'check' has a first partial implementation (by just checking if checked statement are already asserted)
    - fix a bad bug leading to models being ignored in an 'about' request
    - fix a race with the reasoner when clearing the database
    Some stats regarding the Dialogs unit-tests:
    (note that some of the failures are Dialogs bugs, not minimalkb ones)
    | suite            | nb tests | tests run | failures | errors ||  OK |
    | statements       |    63    |     63    |    12    |    2   ||  49 |
    | sentence         |    33    |     33    |     0    |    0   ||  33 |
    | discrimination   |    13    |     13    |     5    |    6   ||   2 |
    | parser           |    72    |     72    |     7    |    0   ||  65 |
    | verbalization    |    76    |     76    |     4    |    0   ||  72 |
    | questions        |    42    |     42    |    13    |    0   ||  29 |
    | TOTAL            |   299    |    299    |    41    |    8   ||  250 |
    Total time: 23.148309sec
  • 0.7
    ffccf777 · Bumped to 0.7 ·
    minimalkb 0.7
    Main changes since 0.6:
    - fix a serious issue with events (that were not triggered more than once)
    - support the NEW_CLASS_EVENT properly
    - slightly improved the reasoning capabilities: every models are now correctly
      classified, owl:equivalentClass and a few common owl symmetric predicates
      (owl:sameAs, owl:differentFrom) are handled to some extend.
    Also, compatibility with the C++ liboro bindings (hence, oro-view) has been
    extended to events.
    Some stats regarding the unit-tests:
    | suite            | nb tests | tests run | failures | errors ||  OK |
    | statements       |    63    |     63    |    14    |   11   ||  38 |
    | sentence         |    33    |     33    |     0    |    0   ||  33 |
    | discrimination   |    13    |     13    |     4    |    7   ||   2 |
    | parser           |    72    |     72    |     7    |    0   ||  65 |
    | verbalization    |    76    |     76    |     4    |    0   ||  72 |
    | questions        |    42    |     42    |    11    |    4   ||  27 |
    | TOTAL            |   299    |    299    |    40    |   22   ||  237 |
    Total time: 34.212394sec
  • 0.6.0
    b23e3bde · Bumped to 0.6 ·
    minimalKB 0.6.0
    Main changes:
    - many improvements to the way minimalKB deals with ending/closing
    - support for 'embedding' minimalKB in a Python application (via 'pykb.KB'
      constructor option)
    - support for RPC call with keyword arguments
    - a couple of other bugs smashed out.
  • 0.5.0
    754e9c4e · Bumped version to 0.5 ·
    minimalKB 0.5
    Main changes:
    - support for functional properties (new statements replace existing values
    instead of adding new facts)
    - fixed a bug in event id generation that broke
    the event system
    - a handful of other minor fixes