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  • 0.4.0
    92f5dc7c · Bumped to 0.4 ·
    minimalKB v.0.4.0
    Main new features:
    - fixed incorrect event dispatching when more than one client
    - support statements with limited lifespan
    - much extended taxonomy walking (oro-view now works with minimalKB)
  • 0.3.1
    6042843b · Bumped version to 0.3.1 ·
  • 0.3.0
    114460c1 · Added many tests ·
    minimalKB v.0.3.0
    Main changes:
    - large rewrite of the query management (still
     far from complete, though).
    - as a consequence, better handling of complex queries like: [?a desires ?b, ?b type Action]
    - existence check can now handle any pattern
    - support of OWL/RDF/turtle/n3 loading when RDFlib is available
    - added basic command-line options
  • 0.2.0
    minimalKB 0.2
    Main changes:
    - addition of a simple RDFS reasoner (supports only rdf:type and
    rdfs:subClassOf for now)
    - initial work for a RDFlib backend
  • 0.1.0
    First release of minimalKB
    - only a simple SQLite backend
    - run (but do not pass!) all ~300 Dialogs unit-tests, both with pyoro and pykb.