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minimalkb 0.7

Main changes since 0.6:

- fix a serious issue with events (that were not triggered more than once)
- support the NEW_CLASS_EVENT properly
- slightly improved the reasoning capabilities: every models are now correctly
  classified, owl:equivalentClass and a few common owl symmetric predicates
  (owl:sameAs, owl:differentFrom) are handled to some extend.

Also, compatibility with the C++ liboro bindings (hence, oro-view) has been
extended to events.


Some stats regarding the unit-tests:

| suite            | nb tests | tests run | failures | errors ||  OK |
| statements       |    63    |     63    |    14    |   11   ||  38 |
| sentence         |    33    |     33    |     0    |    0   ||  33 |
| discrimination   |    13    |     13    |     4    |    7   ||   2 |
| parser           |    72    |     72    |     7    |    0   ||  65 |
| verbalization    |    76    |     76    |     4    |    0   ||  72 |
| questions        |    42    |     42    |    11    |    4   ||  27 |
| TOTAL            |   299    |    299    |    40    |   22   ||  237 |

Total time: 34.212394sec