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  1. Jun 02, 2016
    • Vincent Liard's avatar
      Add reminder to check tarball before publishing · 7014525d
      Vincent Liard authored
      I forgot once again to check the tarball before publishing it to the
      website. Mentioned it to the `RELEASE_HowTo` as a reminder.
    • Vincent Liard's avatar
      Add IndivAnalysis.h to pt/ · be21ced9
      Vincent Liard authored
      `make` used to compile, but `make dist` dropped `IndivAnalysis.h`.
      I tried to add the file to `aevol_misc_robustness_HEADERS` and
      `aevol_misc_ancestor_robustness_HEADERS` but it lead to the following
      error message that I didn't manage to troubleshoot:
      `src/post_treatments/ error: 'aevol_misc_robustness_HEADERS' is used but 'aevol_misc_robustnessdir' is undefined`
  2. Jun 01, 2016
  3. May 30, 2016
  4. May 27, 2016