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Commit deb36c76 authored by David Parsons's avatar David Parsons
Browse files

Update ancestor_robustness CLI options

parent 7359e5b9
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......@@ -24,14 +24,9 @@
// ****************************************************************************
This post-treatment loads a population and create a large number of mutants of
each individual in the same way they would be created during reproduction of
the individual. For each mutant we report the phenotypic effect of the mutation
on metabolism and on secretion. This allows to infer the mutational landscape
of a population.
// ============================================================================
// Includes
// ============================================================================
#include <list>
#include <getopt.h>
......@@ -40,72 +35,21 @@
using namespace aevol;
void print_help(char* prog_name);
// Helper functions
void interpret_cmd_line_options(int argc, char* argv[]);
void print_help(char* prog_path);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Load parameters from command line
int32_t nb_mutants = 1000; // Default number of mutants per individual
int32_t begin = 0; // Default starting generation
int32_t end = -1; // Default ending generation (-1 for last generation stored in lineage file)
int32_t period = 1; // Period of analyze
char* output_file_name = "robustness_summary.txt";
char* lineage_file_name = nullptr;
bool verbose = false;
const char* short_options = "hVvn:b:e:p:o:l";
static struct option long_options[] =
{"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'},
{"version", no_argument, nullptr, 'V'},
{"verbose", no_argument, nullptr, 'v'},
{"number", required_argument, nullptr, 'n'},
{"begin", required_argument, nullptr, 'b'},
{"end", required_argument, nullptr, 'e'},
{"period", required_argument, nullptr, 'p'},
{"output", required_argument, nullptr, 'o'},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
int option;
while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options,
nullptr)) != -1) {
switch (option) {
case 'h' :
case 'V' :
case 'v' :
verbose = true;
case 'n' :
nb_mutants = atol(optarg);
case 'b' :
begin = atol(optarg);
case 'e' :
end = atol(optarg);
case 'p' :
period = atol(optarg);
case 'o' :
output_file_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(output_file_name, "%s", optarg);
// There should be only one remaining arg: the lineage file
if (optind != argc - 1) {
Utils::ExitWithUsrMsg("please specify a lineage file");
lineage_file_name = new char[strlen(argv[optind]) + 1];
sprintf(lineage_file_name, "%s", argv[optind]);
// Command-line option variables
static char* lineage_file_name = nullptr;
static int32_t nb_mutants = 1000; //< Number of mutants per individual
static int32_t begin = 0; //< First generation to analyse
static int32_t end = -1; //< Last generation to analyse
static int32_t period = 1; //< Period of analysis
static char* output_file_name = "robustness_summary.txt";
static bool verbose = false;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
interpret_cmd_line_options(argc, argv);
// =======================
// Open the lineage file
......@@ -130,9 +74,16 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
printf(" Robustness of the ancestors of indiv. %" PRId32
" (rank %" PRId32 ") from time %" PRId64 " to %" PRId64 "\n",
final_indiv_index, final_indiv_rank, t0, t_end);
printf(" Robustness of the ancestors of indiv. %"
" (rank %"
") from time %"
" to %"
final_indiv_index, final_indiv_rank, t0, t_end);
......@@ -156,8 +107,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
"for variable phenotypic targets\n");
int64_t backup_step = exp_manager->backup_step();
// =========================
// Open the output file(s)
// =========================
......@@ -173,7 +122,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Utils::ExitWithUsrMsg(std::string("Could not create ") + output_file_name);
std::shared_ptr<JumpingMT> prng = std::make_shared<JumpingMT>(9695);
std::shared_ptr <JumpingMT> prng = std::make_shared<JumpingMT>(9695);
// ==============================
// Prepare the initial ancestor
......@@ -207,8 +156,11 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (verbose) {
printf("Ancestor at generation %" PRId64
" has index %" PRId32 "\n", time(), index);
printf("Ancestor at generation %"
" has index %"
"\n", time(), index);
......@@ -248,25 +200,104 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
void interpret_cmd_line_options(int argc, char* argv[]) {
const char* short_options = "hVvn:b:e:p:o:";
static struct option long_options[] = {
{"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'},
{"version", no_argument, nullptr, 'V'},
{"verbose", no_argument, nullptr, 'v'},
{"nb-mutants", required_argument, nullptr, 'n'},
{"begin", required_argument, nullptr, 'b'},
{"end", required_argument, nullptr, 'e'},
{"period", required_argument, nullptr, 'P'},
{"output", required_argument, nullptr, 'o'},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
// Print help
void print_help(char* prog_name) {
%s is a post-treatment that generates and analyses a large quantity of mutants for a lineage of ancestors.\
For each mutant we record the phenotypic effect on metabolism.\n\n\
Usage: %s [-h] -i input_file_name -o output_file_name [-b start_at_generation] [-e end_at_generation] [-p period] [-n num_mutants] [-r] [-h bin_size] [-v verbose] [-s mutation_seed]\n\
\t-h: display this screen\n\
\t-f input_file_name: lineage file to be analyzed\n\
\t-o output_file_name: name of the output file (to be written in ./stats/ancestor_stats). In case of histogram output (-h) one file will be produced for each histogram and output_file_name will be postfixed with the generation number\n\
\t-b start_at_generation: first generation of the lineage to be analyzed (default: 0)\n\
\t-e end_at_generation: last generation of the lineage to be analyzed (default: last generation stored in the input file)\n\
\t-p period: temporal resolution of the analyze (default: 1)\n\
\t-n nb_mutants : generate and analyse nb_mutants per individual (default: 1000)\n\
Example:\n\t%s -i lineage_file -o toto.out -b 4000 -e 5000 -p 10 -n 100000 -s 19769\n",
prog_name, prog_name, prog_name);
// \t-r: raw output; store the difference of metabolic error for each mutant generated (warning: the output file may quickly grow)\n
// \t-h bin_size: store the histogram with a bin_size resolution. One output file is generated for each histogram (postfixed with the generation number)\n
// \t-s mutation_seed: specify the seed to be used for the mutation random generator\n\n
int option;
while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options,
nullptr)) != -1) {
switch (option) {
case 'h' :
case 'V' :
case 'v' :
verbose = true;
case 'b' :
begin = atol(optarg);
case 'e' :
end = atol(optarg);
case 'n' :
nb_mutants = atol(optarg);
case 'P' :
period = atol(optarg);
case 'o' :
output_file_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(output_file_name, "%s", optarg);
// An error message is printed in getopt_long, we just need to exit
// There should be only one remaining arg: the lineage file
if (optind != argc - 1) {
Utils::ExitWithUsrMsg("please specify a lineage file");
lineage_file_name = new char[strlen(argv[optind]) + 1];
sprintf(lineage_file_name, "%s", argv[optind]);
void print_help(char* prog_path) {
// Get the program file-name in prog_name (strip prog_path of the path)
char* prog_name; // No new, it will point to somewhere inside prog_path
if ((prog_name = strrchr(prog_path, '/'))) {
else {
prog_name = prog_path;
printf("* *\n");
printf("* aevol - Artificial Evolution *\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("* Aevol is a simulation platform that allows one to let populations of *\n");
printf("* digital organisms evolve in different conditions and study experimentally *\n");
printf("* the mechanisms responsible for the structuration of the genome and the *\n");
printf("* transcriptome. *\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("%s: generate and analyse mutants for the provided lineage.\n",
printf("Usage : %s -h or --help\n", prog_name);
printf(" or : %s -V or --version\n", prog_name);
printf(" or : %s LINEAGE_FILE [-b TIMESTEP] [-e TIMESTEP] [-n NB_MUTANTS] [-P PERIOD] [-o output] [-v]\n",
printf(" -h, --help\n\tprint this help, then exit\n");
printf(" -V, --version\n\tprint version number, then exit\n");
printf(" -b, --begin TIMESTEP\n");
printf("\ttimestep at which to start the analysis\n");
printf(" -e, --end TIMESTEP\n");
printf("\ttimestep at which to stop the analysis\n");
printf(" -n, --nb-mutants NB_MUTANTS\n");
printf("\tnumber of mutants to be generated\n");
printf(" -P, --period\n");
printf("\tperiod with which to perform the analysis\n");
printf(" -o, --output\n");
printf("\toutput file name\n");
printf(" -v, --verbose\n\tbe verbose\n");
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