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Commit 5382a060 authored by David Parsons's avatar David Parsons
Browse files

Remove post-treatment genome_stats

It's been out from compilation since Jan 2013
(commit b5728bc0)
parent da6314bc
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// ****************************************************************************
// Aevol - An in silico experimental evolution platform
// ****************************************************************************
// Copyright: See the AUTHORS file provided with the package or <>
// Web:
// E-mail: See <>
// Original Authors : Guillaume Beslon, Carole Knibbe, David Parsons
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// ****************************************************************************
// This program extracts data about the individuals and write
// them into text files easy to parse with matlab.
// Options are :
// * -f / --file backup_file
// backup file where individuals should be extracted
// * -o / --output main_output_file
// output directory where statistics should be printed
// * -n / --neutral output_file
// print position of neutral regions in 'ouput_file'
// * -b / --best
// process only the best individual
// Data concerning genomes is printed in 'main_output_file'. A space delimits two pieces
// of information, a new line two individuals. Format is
// "nc1 nc2 nc3 nc4 nc5 nc6 nc7 total\n"
// where:
// * nc1: number of bases in neutral regions
// * nc2: number of bases outside CDS
// * nc3: number of bases outside functional CDS
// * nc4: number of bases outside non functional CDS
// * nc5: number of bases outside RNAs
// * nc6: number of bases outside functional RNAs
// * nc7: number of bases outside non functional RNAs
// * total: total size of genome
// It is also possible to print neutral regions with the '-n output_file' option.
// In this case, "output_file" contains:
// "# chromosome length: cl, nb neutral bases, nr neutral regions\n
// "bnr_1 bnr_2 ... bnr_n\n"
// "enr_1 enr_2 ... enr_n\n"
// where:
// * cl: number of bases in chromosome
// * nb: number of bases in neutral regions
// * nr: number of neutral regions
// * bnr_i: beginning of ith neutral region
// * enr_i: end of ith neutral region
// Examples :
// For generation 20000, write info about the genomes of all the
// individuals in out_020000 :
// genome_stats -f backup/ -o out_020000
// For generation 20000, write the best individual's info in
// out_020000_best :
// genome_stats -b -f backup/ -o out_020000_best
// For generation 20000, write beginning and ends of neutral regions
// in neutral.out for all the individuals
// genome_stats -f backup/ -n neutral.out
// =================================================================
// Libraries
// =================================================================
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <list>
// =================================================================
// Project Files
// =================================================================
#include "aevol.h"
using namespace aevol;
// =================================================================
// Function declarations
// =================================================================
void print_help(char* prog_path);
// print information about the indivdual's genome to file
void print_genome_info(ae_individual* indiv, FILE* output_file);
// print information about the indivdual's neutral regions to file
void print_neutral_regions(ae_individual* indiv, FILE* output_file);
// =================================================================
// Main Function
// =================================================================
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// ---------------------------------------
// command-line option parsing
// ---------------------------------------
// Initialize command-line option variables with default values
char* backup_file_name = NULL;
char* main_output_name = NULL;
char* neutral_region_output_name = NULL;
bool best_only = false;
// Define allowed options
const char * options_list = "hVf:o:bn:";
static struct option long_options_list[] =
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'},
{"file", required_argument, NULL, 'f' },
{"output", required_argument, NULL, 'o' },
{"best", no_argument, NULL, 'b' },
{"neutral", no_argument, NULL, 'n' },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
// Get actual values of the command-line options
int option;
while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, options_list, long_options_list, NULL)) != -1)
switch (option)
case 'h' :
case 'V' :
case 'f' :
backup_file_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(backup_file_name, "%s", optarg);
case 'o' :
main_output_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(main_output_name, "%s", optarg);
case 'n' :
neutral_region_output_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(neutral_region_output_name, "%s", optarg);
case 'b' :
best_only = true;
// -------------------------------
// Initialize
// -------------------------------
FILE* main_output = NULL;
FILE* neutral_region_output = NULL;
if (backup_file_name == NULL)
printf("You must specify a backup file. Please use the option -f or --file.\n");
if (main_output_name != NULL)
main_output = fopen(main_output_name,"w");
if (main_output == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Could not open file %s.\n", main_output_name);
if (neutral_region_output_name != NULL)
neutral_region_output = fopen(neutral_region_output_name,"w");
if (neutral_region_output == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Could not open file %s.\n", neutral_region_output_name);
printf("Reading backup file <%s>... \n", backup_file_name);
// Load the simulation from backup
ae_common::sim = new ae_experiment();
ae_common::sim->load_backup(backup_file_name, false, NULL);
delete [] backup_file_name;
printf("Computing phenotypes... \n");
// Evaluate the individuals
int i = 0;
int nb_indiv = ae_common::pop->nb_indivs();
// --------------------------------
// Parse individuals
// --------------------------------
if (best_only)
ae_individual* best = ae_common::pop->best();
if (main_output != NULL) { print_genome_info(best, main_output); }
if (neutral_region_output != NULL) { print_neutral_regions(best, neutral_region_output); }
if (ae_common::pop_structure)
ae_grid_cell*** pop_grid_ = ae_common::pop->pop_grid();
for (int16_t x = 0 ; x < ae_common::grid_x ; x++)
for (int16_t y = 0 ; y < ae_common::grid_y ; y++)
ae_individual* indiv = (pop_grid_[x][y]->individual());
if (main_output != NULL) { print_genome_info(indiv, main_output); }
if (neutral_region_output != NULL) { print_neutral_regions(indiv, neutral_region_output); }
for (const auto& indiv: pop->indivs()) {
if (main_output != NULL) { print_genome_info(indiv, main_output); }
if (neutral_region_output != NULL) { print_neutral_regions(indiv, neutral_region_output); }
if (main_output != NULL) { fclose(main_output); }
if (neutral_region_output != NULL) { fclose(neutral_region_output); }
if (main_output_name != NULL) { delete [] main_output_name; }
if (neutral_region_output_name != NULL) { delete [] neutral_region_output_name; }
// =================================================================
// Implementation of Secondary Functions
// =================================================================
// The export fonction
inline void print_genome_info(ae_individual* indiv, FILE* output_file)
int32_t nb_bases = indiv->total_genome_size();
int32_t nb_bases_in_neutral_regions = indiv->nb_bases_in_neutral_regions();
int32_t nb_bases_in_0_CDS = indiv->nb_bases_in_0_CDS();
int32_t nb_bases_in_0_functional_CDS = indiv->nb_bases_in_0_functional_CDS();
int32_t nb_bases_in_0_non_functional_CDS = indiv->nb_bases_in_0_non_functional_CDS();
int32_t nb_bases_in_0_RNA = indiv->nb_bases_in_0_RNA();
int32_t nb_bases_in_0_coding_RNA = indiv->nb_bases_in_0_coding_RNA();
int32_t nb_bases_in_0_non_coding_RNA = indiv->nb_bases_in_0_non_coding_RNA();
if (output_file != NULL)
fprintf(output_file, "%"PRId32" %"PRId32" %"PRId32" %"PRId32" %"PRId32" %"PRId32" %"PRId32" %"PRId32"\n",
nb_bases_in_neutral_regions, nb_bases_in_0_CDS, nb_bases_in_0_functional_CDS,
nb_bases_in_0_non_functional_CDS, nb_bases_in_0_RNA, nb_bases_in_0_coding_RNA,
nb_bases_in_0_non_coding_RNA, nb_bases);
inline void print_neutral_regions(ae_individual* indiv, FILE* output_file)
if (output_file == NULL) return;
GeneticUnit* chromosome = *indiv->genetic_unit_list().begin();
int32_t nb_neutral_regions = chromosome->nb_neutral_regions();
fprintf(output_file, "# chromosome length: %"PRId32", %"PRId32" neutral bases, %"PRId32" neutral regions\n",
chromosome->dna()->length(), chromosome->nb_bases_in_neutral_regions(), nb_neutral_regions);
//neutral regions
if (nb_neutral_regions > 0)
int32_t* beginning_nr = chromosome->beginning_neutral_regions();
int32_t* end_nr = chromosome->end_neutral_regions();
for (int32_t i=0; i<nb_neutral_regions; i++) fprintf(output_file, "%"PRId32"\t", beginning_nr[i]);
fprintf(output_file, "\n");
for (int32_t i=0; i<nb_neutral_regions; i++) fprintf(output_file, "%"PRId32"\t", end_nr[i]);
fprintf(output_file, "\n");
// TODO: update
void print_help(char* prog_name)
Usage : genome_stats -h\n\
or : genome_stats -f source [-o output_file] [-b] \n\n\
\t-h : display this screen\n\
\t--file source : read from the backup file source\n\
\t--output of : extract and save some infos about the genomes of the individuals to file of\
\t--best : only treat the best individual\n");
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