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Commit b5728bc0 authored by Bérénice Batut's avatar Bérénice Batut
Browse files


  - ae_selection.cpp: free of an NULL pointer due to the lack of a test

  - addition of compute_pop_stats post-treatment, based on class population_statistics (added too), to compute statistics at the population level (like in evolvability post-treatment in a previous branch)

  - adaptation of some post-treatments to the new version
  - most of changes are minor changes used in post-treatments:
      - ae_selection.h: add getters and move two methods from protected to public
      - ae_exp_manager.h: add getters
      - ae_output_manager.h: add getters
      - ae_tree.cpp: uncomment of a constructor
      - ae_individual.cpp: uncomment two methods
  - ae_environment.cpp: change in environment variation (not effective yet)
  - aevol.cpp: add an error message
  - ae_individual.cpp: change in copy constructor to compute proteins and other stuffs 

parent bb5a0d5f
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