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MoReFEM core library.
This library also contains some simple Models to illustrate how to use it, and several integration tests.
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MorphoNet / MorphoNet_Unity
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1The MorphoNet Unity git
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OtherFELiScE (Finite Elements for Life Sciences and Engineering) is a parallel finite element library written in C++. https://team.inria.fr/commedia/software/felisce/
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MoReFEM core library.
This library also contains some simple Models to illustrate how to use it, and several integration tests.
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MoReFEM core library.
This library also contains some simple Models to illustrate how to use it, and several integration tests.
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Alexandre Daby-Seesaram / NeuROM
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
A reaction diffusion model with 3 reaction laws.
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Three bidomain related models.
Up to october 2024, a same project encompassed three models: Bidomain, SurfacicBidomain and BidomainVentricles.
Now each is one specific project; current one is kept for archive purpose but won't be updated.
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Project for implementation of Prakash et al. '21 - https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/hybrid-ibr/
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sed-nge / fidgi
OtherFind Inventors and Discovery Game by Inria Unity "Game" in VR (oculus) for homo numericus exibition
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Daniele / MoReFEM
OtherMoReFEM core library.
This library also contains some simple Models to illustrate how to use it, and several integration tests.