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  • Mathieu Giraud's avatar
    vidjil.cpp: output 'out/segmented.vdj.fa' only when the new option '-U' is set. · 0644f019
    Mathieu Giraud authored
    A very long time ago, 'out/segmented.vdj.fa' was considered to be
    the main output of Vidjil, giving the (heuristic) segmentation of
    each read. However, when many reads are segmented, writing this file
    to the disk can slow the software (until 25%)... and this file
    was used only to debug. By default, this file is now not produced.
    The main output, with a summary of windows and representative, is in
    'out/windows.fa', 'out/seq/clone.fa-' and now 'out/'.