env: # env-id from the gym/bullet env. ex:"MountainCarContinuous-v0"
function_set: #Function set size ("small" or "extended")
function_set: #Function set size ("small" or "extended")
c: # Exploration constante for UCB (float)
n_episodes: # Number of episode per evaluation (int)
n_steps: # Number of step per evaluation (int)
@@ -72,4 +72,4 @@ seed: #set seed for random
## See the result
Once an experiment is finished, you can see inspect results like in `tutorial.ipynb`. This notebook show how to see and run an individual from a saved population.
\ No newline at end of file
Once an experiment is finished, you can see inspect results like in `tutorial.ipynb`. This notebook show how to see and run an individual from a saved population.