Chameleon: A dense linear algebra software for heterogeneous architectures
Chameleon is a C library providing parallel algorithms to perform BLAS/LAPACK operations exploiting fully modern architectures.
1 Get Chameleon
To use last development states of Chameleon, please clone the master
branch. Note that Chameleon contains a git submodule
To get sources please use these commands:
# if git version >= 1.9
git clone --recursive
cd chameleon
# else
git clone
cd chameleon
git submodule init
git submodule update
Last releases of Chameleon are hosted on the releases page.
2 Documentations
2.1 Homepage and user’s guide
Please visit our Homepage to get:
- download links,
- quick start guides,
- installation instructions,
- tutorials,
- bencmarks.
This documentation could also be generated in html:
# build the doc with cmake (emacs with orgmode and latex are required), e.g. cmake .. -DCHAMELEON_ENABLE_DOC=ON make doc
see the doc/user
2.2 Source code documentation, API (doxygen)
Please refer to the doxygen documentation to get more precise information about the API, the public and internal functions prototypes and the data structures.
Please refer to the section 2.1 of READMEDEV to get information about the documentation generation.
2.3 For developers
Please refer to the READMEDEV page.
3 Contact
If you have an account on gitlab inria please submit a new issue.
If you don’t have an account on gitlab inria you can send emails to
To get the news, register to the mailing list (click on “S’abonner” in the left panel).