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  • papers/ipdps25_getrf
  • compas2024_batch_getrf
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  • papers/heteropar22
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13 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.028Sep272625242322211662131Aug3029262523222126Jul2215Jun1411925May24212019169617Apr1274230Mar2927221817164222Feb181716151411109876536Nov12Oct11121130Sep29279Aug5229Jul18May1726Apr2322201426Mar251817161523Feb2217226Jan251312119642Dec119Nov181712515Oct121012Sep1110973231Jul2130Jun29262319226May22Apr131227Mar181312114328Feb27191712105421Jan111097620Dec1913929Nov27262523221918171615875429Oct2522118217Sep29Aug5Jul3mixed-precision: update files in runtimestasks: Fix prototype of mixed precision conversion taskscoreblas: add missing files to handle mixed precision conversion functionsMerge branch 'descriptor/file' into 'master'Descriptors: use the chameleon_get.. functions from the helpers and remove them from other placesdescriptors: Create a descriptor_helpers module with the chameleon_get... functionsRemove potrf priorities with bubbles [wart commit for papers/heteropar22 tag, to ignore]papers/heteropa…papers/heteropar22Merge branch 'testing_shname' into 'master'Add new short names for vendor testingsAdd new short names for testingsMerge branch 'fix/zgersum-GPU' into 'master'coedelet/geadd: coding stylegersum: Fix the reduction init codelet on GPUFix chameleon_asprintfMerge branch 'descriptor/ranks' into 'master'descriptor: Add a rank_of_init function to store the initial distribution, and exploit the rank stored in the tileAdd testing_zrecposv.cAdd testing_recpoinv.cstarpu/interface: attempt to fix copytestings: Add recursive testingsAdd an integer parameter for the algorithm used to partition the descriptorsAdd an option to choose how a recursive descriptor should be partitionnedAdd a diagonal descriptorcmake: make sure we do not enable both MPI and bubble togetherAlter recdesc creationstarpu: Add functions to cover the copy of recursive descriptors to/from GPUsAdd recursive outer and inner product to test automatic partitionningstarpu:disable profiling iterations when using bubblesstarpu/control: Switch to old starpu_data_wont_use() temporarily for bubblesstarpu/codelets: Add bubble codelets to StarPUUpdate the bublle_args_t structuredescriptors: Add recursive descriptorsstarpu/interface: Add StarPU interface filtersoptions/request: Add task and bubble_parent fileds to enable recursion and profilingcmake: Add options to enable bubbles with optional parallel submission and extra profiling infoCHAM_tile_t: add a rank field to store the rank of the tile at initializationChange the chameleon_asprintf prototype to match asprintfzhemm: Fix ChamConjTrans instead of ChamTransMerge branch 'feature/Astat-symm' into 'master'zhemm.c: Make the Async call really asynchronous by creating a ws as in GEMM