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  • papers/ipdps25_getrf
  • compas2024_batch_getrf
  • v1.2.0
  • papers/heteropar22
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  • bugged/gpupanel
13 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.015Oct4319Sep181716116329Aug2821Jul1918171520Jun17109823May2216157630Apr292417113229Mar272221161412523Feb1898530Jan2524239820Dec1928Nov27241526Oct2423529Sep2827131Aug30232224Jul21191211765432Jun25May24191854325Apr2120191413654330Mar29272423219627Feb222120181716159730Jan272423191865323Dec2275416Nov29Sep28272625242322211662131Aug3029262523222126Jul2215Jun1411925May24212019169617Apr127compute:gemm: fix summa gemm when A or B are transposedEnable insert_task_zlacpy_on_remote_nodeMerge branch 'sonarqube' into 'master'Enable the official Gitlab - Sonarqube integrationupdate hqr submoduleupdate morse_cmake submoduleMerge branch 'mp/hotfix' into 'master'Adapting gered and gerst codelets cuda partsPreventing the conversion in half precision for diagonal tilestesting/parameter: Make sure we don't use mixed precision with global and out-of-core matrices allocationsFactorize calls to lapacke_[sd]lamch by replacing them by calls to CHAMELEON[sd]lamchlapacke_dlamch: Add a chameleon wrapper to encapsulate and refactor the test on CHAMELEON_SIMULATIONMerge branch 'cmake/fix-install' into 'master'starpu: Try to split what can be public if the user wants to add its own insert_task functions from what needs to remain privatestarpu: Change structure names to make them closer to the structure they extendstarpu: Split the internal headers from thos that we can make public for an external usetools: add lapack.h to check_header exceptionsRemove GNU_SOURCE from the public headerMerge branch 'fix-warning-discard-const' into 'master'Fix warningMerge branch 'execute-each-name' into 'master'Use starpu_execute_on_each_worker_ex() instead of starpu_execute_on_each_worker()Merge branch 'map/add_locality' into 'master'codelet: Add map to the restrict locality functionsMerge branch 'hotfix/accuracy' into 'master'Correct if test from !480Merge branch 'reduction' into 'master'zgetrf: add quark, parsec and openmp zipiv_redux codelet and update runtime_descriptor_ipivzgetrf/cmake: add a test to detect if STARPU_NONE is correctly defined to be used with getrf algortihm or notzgetrf: make zgetrf working on multiple mpi processeszgetrf: call new redux in panel factozgetrf: add new reduction in codelet_zipiv_allreduce.czgetrf: modified to generate the INSERT_TASK_xipiv_redux functionszgetrf: make a prevpiv and a nextpiv per mpi process involved in panelzgetrf: create an array for involved mpi processes in panelMerge branch 'fix-appaccuracy' into 'master'testing: get appaccuracy paramater only when it is definedMerge branch 'list-option-values' into 'master'testing: display in help possible values for several optionsMerge branch 'mr_hmatoss_multiprecision' into 'master'