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Created with Raphaël 2.2.031Aug3029262523222126Jul2215Jun1411925May24212019169617Apr1274230Mar2927221817164222Feb181716151411109876536Nov12Oct11121130Sep29279Aug5229Jul18May1726Apr2322201426Mar251817161523Feb2217226Jan251312119642Dec119Nov181712515Oct121012Sep1110973231Jul2130Jun29262319226May22Apr131227Mar181312114328Feb27191712105421Jan111097620Dec1913929Nov27262523221918171615875429Oct2522118217Sep29Aug5Jul3221Jun131221May191025Apr1211322Mar212042zgemm.c: remove unusedMerge branch 'hotfix/coverity' into 'master'Fix coverity issue on risky function by factorizing it to a single placeFix coverity issue 1517612 Resource leakFix coverity issue 1516485 Logically dead codeFix coverity issue 1516479 Resource leakFix coverity issue in hqrFix coverity issue 1516418 Arguments in wrong orderFix coverity issue 1516357 Arguments in wrong orderFix coverity issue 1516253 Arguments in wrong orderFix coverity issue 150285[2-5] Resource leakFix coverity issue 1466895 Unintentional integer overflowFix coverity issues 1520956-1520993cmake: update submoduleMerge branch 'fix-starpu-shutdown-on-error' into 'master'Do not attempt to shutdown StarPU if initialization failedMerge branch 'feature/Astat-gemm' into 'master' doc: Add a paragraph about the gemm variantszgemm: Enable switch from one variant of the gemm algorithm to another through environment variablegemm-Astat: store who has registered C in a generic way and enforce the task submission for all nodes who registered C reductionzgemm: Add stationnary A gemm variantcodelets: Add the sum reduction codelets codelet_zgersumcodelet_zgemm: add stationnary A variant of INSERT_TASK_zgemminclude: add enum to define the multiple GEMM variantsoptions: add an anforce option field to force the task submissioncmake: detect STARPU_MPI_REDUX properlyMerge branch 'lapack_api_trposy' into 'master'Blas/Lapack API: add lapack routines for Cholesky family functionsMerge branch 'doc_html_fixed_anchors' into 'master'doc: add org-mode ids below sections in order to get fixed html anchors in urls and avoid non permanent links ending like #orgae0a38eMerge branch 'fix-flops-zlacpy' into 'master'Fix flop computation of several testing_*Merge branch 'fix-check-testing' into 'master'Check return value of mallocs in check_zmatrices() and prevent overflowsMerge branch 'lapack_api_auxiliary' into 'master'Blas/Lapack API: add lapack auxiliary routines lacpy and lasetMerge branch 'fix-typo-doc' into 'master'Fix typo in user documentationMerge branch 'lapack_api_blas23' into 'master'Polish for readibility and respect writing conventions