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  • papers/ipdps25_getrf
  • compas2024_batch_getrf
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13 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.025Sep241229Aug2221931Jul252413121124Apr232019171615131211328Mar23201615141312975412Feb11109876531Jan302524232219151284313Dec1224Oct1813121110943229Sep26252015131285131Aug302422131Jul281964330Jun211916131231May302143225Apr2014Add map codelets for quark and parsecAdd missing callbackAdd a map functionMerge branch 're-simgrid' into 'master'Re-update cmake_modules/morse_cmake submoduleMerge branch 'mpi_init' into 'master'Use starpu_mpi_init_conf when available instead of starpu_mpi_initMerge branch 'update_morse_cmake' into 'master'add SIMU variable to load the proper environment for simgrid modeadd some missing install library dirs in the RPATHadd directories of custom install in LD_LIBRARY_PATH for running testsfix header pathclean what is uselessupdate morse_cmake submoduleMerge branch 'prevent_semicolon_in_cmake_flags' into 'master'CMAKE flags are used in check function exists, we should replace semicolons as soon as possibleFix some issue with the CIAdd the deploy stage to put online documentationAdd the deploy stage to put online documentationMerge branch 'hotfix/renaming' into 'master'Hotfix/renamingMerge branch 'master' into 'master'Make cmake include starpu_simgrid_wrap.h only after testsMerge branch 'issue47/renaming' into 'master'Link nameRestore project acronymFix memory leak with temporary descriptorsFix type size issue with starpuUpdate cmakeMorse tryed to stay aliveRIP morseFix compilation with quark and parsecFix compilation in MPI/CUDACompile with StarPU in shmRename include filesReduce namesUpdate headersStart changing the enumsChange for INSERT_TASK to better match the rest of the APIRenaming