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13 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.09Oct43229Sep26252015131285131Aug302422131Jul281964330Jun211916131231May302143225Apr20141311106529Mar201716141310987632114Feb97631Jan30191613121196324Dec2322211615141312109642130Nov28254229Oct20141312422Sep20171514131211987125Aug181731May272518Apr131117Mar1125Feb22151055Jan17Dec16151110982115Nov94325Oct22653229Sep28232217161514try to see the python codegen exceptionuse the file-list optionfix job test_starpufix job build_starpu missing artifacttest new pipeline on starpu buildupdate submodulescreate a new target to force generation of sources, useful for generating the docMerge branch 'issue51/cudablas_headers' into 'master'Fix issue 51 with cudablas headersMerge branch 'gitlab-ci_doc' into 'master'pushing branch with -f is dangerousclarify this sentenceMerge branch 'sonarqube' into 'master'add doc about testing forks with gitlab runnersready for merge, remove the sonarqube branchcblas/lapacke headers has been moved in coreblas/include/coreblas after the rebase on masteradd sonarqube branch to test analysisupdate warning parseruse a script to filter the sources, use file-list option of cppcheckuse cmake option instead of external environment variablesupdate morse_cmake submoduleavoid sourcing hereadd the restriction of the analysis job to the master branchwe really need to remove cblas/lapacke headers to avoid the inclusion in .c files, we get them back after static analysistest if cblas/lapacke.h files are in sources ...undefine more not relevant macro for the current analysistest sonarremove because it is generated with the analysis scriptadd analysis scriptcall analysis scriptadd analysis scriptavoid removing cblas/lapacke.h files but exclude it from sources list of cppcheckadd sonar-scanner analysisadd the sonar-scanner config fileMerge branch 'hdf5' into 'master'mention the hdf5 I/O backendMerge branch 'issue42/hqr_install' into 'master'Update morse submoduleUpdate HQR submoduleFix issues reported by @sylvand