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  • papers/ipdps25_getrf
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13 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.06Feb531Jan302524232219151284313Dec1224Oct1813121110943229Sep26252015131285131Aug302422131Jul281964330Jun211916131231May302143225Apr20141311106529Mar201716141310987632114Feb97631Jan30191613121196324Dec2322211615Update @brief in starpuRemove occurences of quark in parsecUpdate @brief in codeletsUpdate @brief description in includeUpdate @brief description in examplesMinor in coreblasUpdate @brief description in cudablasUpdate @brief description in coreblas/includeUpdate @brief descriptionUpdate @brief descriptionUpdate brief in coreblas/computeMinorReplace the MORSE/PLASMA line by a Chameleon @briefRemove the two useless linesRemove the two useless linesRemove empty linesFix date format when presentUpdate version numberAdd @file line to all source files as the first doxygen commandFix incorrect @file linesCopyrights in all .c and .h should be fineUpdate Inria,INP,UNiv Bordeaux, CNRS copyrightsMinor to compact the filesUpdate Inria,INP,UNiv Bordeaux, CNRS copyrightsUpdate ICL copyrightsMerge branch 'migration' into 'master'Add comment to specify if it is a TS or TT kernelAdd the missing function to Quark and ParsecAdd new kernels to parsecAdd new kernels to parsecUpdate quark codeletsDisable GPU on LQ case as it is not implemented yetUpgrade cmakeAdd declaration of tasksAdd new tpmlqt and tplqt tasks to starpuAdd tplqt and tpmlqt kernels to later link on MKLAdd migration and swith to TP kernels in gelqf algorithmsAdd migration and swith to TP kernels in unglq algorithmsReduce the size of the testingsAdd migration and swith to TP kernels in unmlq algorithms