Draft: Parsec master
Update Chameleon to support (current) master branch of PaRSEC. Does not support MPI or GPU. Is susceptible to crash if PaRSEC is compiled in Debug mode, because of known memory leaks inside PaRSEC (parsec_dtd_tile_of).
La vérification des quotas de chaque projet est mise en place en mode non bloquant. Plus d'information sur : https://doc-si.inria.fr/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=146834656
Quota verification is enabled for projects in non-blocking mode. More information: https://doc-si.inria.fr/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=146834656
Update Chameleon to support (current) master branch of PaRSEC. Does not support MPI or GPU. Is susceptible to crash if PaRSEC is compiled in Debug mode, because of known memory leaks inside PaRSEC (parsec_dtd_tile_of).