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Check that CHAMELEON_Init() was successful in testing


Everything is in the title of the MR / commit message.

You can test it with STARPU_NCPU=1 STARPU_MAIN_THREAD_BIND=1 mpirun ./chameleon_stesting -o potrf. Without my patch, StarPU fails silently in its initialization, but yells and aborts when the first task is submitted. The failure in StarPU initialization is "normal": STARPU_MAIN_THREAD_BIND=1 retrieves one core to the number of cores; and in this case, there is no remaining worker available to execute tasks.

Also I noticed function documentation is not consistent: says >0 on success to initialize the runtime, while says @retval CHAMELEON_SUCCESS successful exit, it returns well CHAMELEON_SUCCESS in case of success, but CHAMELEON_SUCCESS is defined as 0, which is incoherent with the first comment (or the first comment is incorrect, I don't know 😉 ).

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