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Mathieu Faverge requested to merge faverge/chameleon:feature/issue94 into master
  • The API of Lapack_to_Tile/Tile_to_Lapack family function is modified to integrate the uplo parameter (This is done to enable the following points)
  • A new option mtxfmt is introduced to change the allocation of the matrix.
    • 0: The matrices are allocated as a single big allocation
    • 1: The matrices are allocated tile by tile (Only with StarPU)
    • 2: The matrices are out-of-core (Only with StarPU)
  • Fix issue #96 (closed) by adding an example at the end of the usage function
  • Fix an issue with the descriptor copy functions that was using the incorrect get_blkldd/get_blkaddr functions.
Edited by Mathieu Faverge

Merge request reports
