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WIP: Dist testing

BARROS DE ASSIS Lucas requested to merge lbarrosd/chameleon:dist_testing into master

I was testing GEMM with the Tile interface on a distributed setting (p = 1, q = 2 or even p = 2, q = 1) and found that, given a LAPACK matrix A, Tile_to_Lapack(Lapack_to_Tile(A)) != A.

Setting the environment variable DEBUG prints the matrix created in the middle of the process at ztile.c. Even though the descriptor B (used to temporarily store the matrix in a single process) is correct, the resulting descriptor after chameleon_pzlacpy is not.

I'm running the test with mpirun --np 2 $CHAM_FOLDER/build/testing/stesting 2 0 2 2 GEMM 4 4, being the two last arguments the size of the square matrix created and its leading dimension.

Merge request reports
