Default number of threads is 1 in new testing
When running mpirun -n 2 -nodelist jack0,jack1 -DSTARPU_FXT_TRACE=1 -DSTARPU_FXT_PREFIX=$(pwd)/ ~/chameleon/build/new-testing/snew-testing -o potrf -H
, I get the following output:
# jack0: WARNING- InfinibandVerbs: device = mlx4_0; port 2 is not active.
# jack1: WARNING- InfinibandVerbs: device = mlx4_0; port 2 is not active.
[starpu][starpu_initialize] Warning: StarPU was configured with --with-fxt, which slows down a bit, limits scalability and makes worker initialization sequential
[starpu][starpu_initialize] Warning: StarPU was configured with --with-fxt, which slows down a bit, limits scalability and makes worker initialization sequential
# pioman: WARNING- Ignoring call to piom_ltask_set_bound_thread_indexes as PIOM_DEDICATED_WAIT=0.
Id Function threads gpus P Q nb uplo n lda seedA time gflops
# pioman: WARNING- Ignoring call to piom_ltask_set_bound_thread_indexes as PIOM_DEDICATED_WAIT=0.
0 spotrf 1 0 1 2 320 Upper 1000 1000 1804289383 1.952684e-02 1.709614e+01
Connection to jack1 closed.
The default number of used threads is 1. In previous timing binaries, it was by default the number of workers allowed by StarPU. If I precise -t [x]
, the provided number of threads is well used.
Is it a bug ?