compilation fails on OSX with starpu+pkgconfig
Chameleon 'master' fails to compile on OSX with starpu. starpu is configured with pkgconfig. Apparently, during cmake, it is correctly found. Compilation is OK until linking libchameleon_starpu : it fails with the message : ld: library not found for -lstarpumpi-1.2 My previous compilation, based on SVN repo rev. 3193, the linking line contained " -L/Users/sylvand/local/starpu/install/gnuOsxShared_g_openmpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/Users/sylvand/local/starpu/install/gnuOsxShared_g_openmpi/lib" that disappeared in the compilation that failed... Curiously, the "-I" is present in the cc lines : "-I/Users/sylvand/local/starpu/install/gnuOsxShared_g_openmpi/include/starpu/1.2". Only the "-L" is missing... the cmake invocation remains the same.