@item @option{--[no]dag}: enable/disable DAG generation (default:
@item @option{--[no]inv}: check on inverse (default: @option{noinv})
@item @option{--nocpu}: all GPU kernels are exclusively executed on GPUs
@item @option{--ooc}: Enable out-of-core (available only with StarPU)
@item @option{--bound}: Compare result to area bound (available only with StarPU)
(default: @option{0})
@end itemize
@item Machine parameters
@itemize @bullet
@item @option{-t x, --threads=x}: Number of CPU workers (default: automatic detection through runtime)
@item @option{-g x, --gpus=x}: Number of GPU workers (default: @option{0})
@item @option{-P x, --P=x}: Rows (P) in the PxQ process grid (deafult: @option{1})
@item @option{--nocpu}: All GPU kernels are exclusively executed on GPUs (default: @option{0})
@end itemize
@item Matrix parameters
@itemize @bullet
@item @option{-m x, --m=x, --M=x}: Dimension (M) of the matrices (default: @option{N})
@item @option{-n x, --n=x, --N=x}: Dimension (N) of the matrices
@item @option{-N R, --n_range=R}: Range of N values to time with R=Start:Stop:Step (default: @option{500:5000:500})
@item @option{-k x, --k=x, --K=x, --nrhs=x}: Dimension (K) of the matrices or number of right-hand size (default: @option{1}). This is useful for GEMM like algorithms (k is the shared dimension and must be defined >1 to consider matrices and not vectors)
@item @option{-b x, --nb=x}: NB size. (default: @option{320})
@item @option{-a x, --qr_a=x, --rhblk=x}: Define the size of the local TS trees in housholder reduction trees for QR and LQ factorization. N is the size of each subdomain (default: @option{-1})
@item @option{-l x, --llvl=x}: Tree used for low level reduction inside nodes (default: @option{-1})
@item @option{-L x, --hlvl=x}: Tree used for high level reduction between nodes, only if P > 1 (default: @option{-1}). Possible values are -1: Automatic, 0: Flat, 1: Greedy, 2: Fibonacci, 3: Binary, 4: Replicated greedy.
@item @option{-D, --domino}: Enable the domino between upper and lower trees
@end itemize
@item Advanced options
@itemize @bullet
@item @option{--nobigmat}: Disable single large matrix allocation for multiple tiled allocations
@item @option{-s, --sync}: Enable synchronous calls in wrapper function such as POTRI
@item @option{-o, --ooc}: Enable out-of-core (available only with StarPU)
@item @option{-G, --gemm3m}: Use gemm3m complex method
@item @option{--bound}: Compare result to area bound