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# This file is part of the Chameleon User's Guide.
# Copyright (C) 2017 Inria
# See the file ../ for copying conditions.

Chameleon is written in C and depends on a couple of external
libraries that must be installed on the system.
# , it provides an interface to be called from Fortran
Chameleon can be built and installed by the standard means of [[][CMake]].
General information about CMake, as well as installation binaries and
CMake source code are available from [[][here]].

To get support to install a full distribution Chameleon + dependencies
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we encourage users to use the /morse/ branch of [[sec:spack][Spack]].
   The latest official release tarballs of Chameleon sources are
   available for download from the [[][gitlab tags page]].
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   The latest development state is available on [[][gitlab]]. You need [[][Git]]
   git clone --recursive
** Prerequisites for installing Chameleon
   To install Chameleon's libraries, header files, and executables, one
   - CMake (version 2.8 minimum): the build system
   - C and Fortran compilers: GNU compiler suite, Clang, Intel or IBM
     can be used
   - python: to generate files in the different precisions
   - external libraries: this depends on the configuration, by default
     the required libraries are
     - [[][StarPU]]
     - CBLAS, LAPACKE: these are interfaces and there exist several
       providers that can be used with Chameleon
       - Intel MKL, Netlib, OpenBlas
     - BLAS, LAPACK, TMGLIB: there exist several providers that can be
       used with Chameleon
       - Eigen, Intel MKL, Netlib, OpenBlas
     - pthread (libpthread)
     - math (libm)

   Optional libraries:
   - [[][quark]]
   - [[][cuda]]
   - [[][cublas]]: comes with cuda
   - mpi: [[][openmpi]]

   These packages must be installed on the system before trying to
   configure/build chameleon.  Please look at the distrib/ directory
   which gives some hints for the installation of dependencies for Unix

   We give here some examples for a Debian system:

   # Update Debian packages list
   sudo apt-get update
   # Install Netlib blas, lapack, tmglib, cblas and lapacke suite
   sudo apt-get install -y liblapack-dev liblapacke-dev
   # Alternatively to Netlib, OpenBLAS could be used (faster kernels)
   sudo apt-get install -y libopenblas-dev liblapacke-dev
   # Install OpenMPI
   sudo apt-get install -y libopenmpi-dev
   # Install hwloc (used by StarPU or QUARK, already a dependency of OpenMPI)
   sudo apt-get install -y libhwloc-dev
   # install FxT, usefull to export some nice execution traces with StarPU
   sudo apt-get install -y libfxt-dev
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   # Install cuda and cuBLAS: only if you have a GPU cuda compatible
   sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-cuda-dev

   # Install StarPU (with MPI and FxT enabled)
   mkdir -p $HOME/install
   cd $HOME/install
   tar xvzf starpu-1.2.2.tar.gz
   cd starpu-1.2.2/
   ./configure --prefix=$HOME/install/starpu --disable-opencl --disable-cuda --with-fxt=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
   make install
   cd $HOME/install
   rm starpu-1.2.2/ starpu-1.2.2.tar.gz -rf

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   # Install QUARK: to be used in place of StarPU
   mkdir -p $HOME/install
   cd $HOME/install
   tar xvzf quark-0.9.0.tgz
   cd quark-0.9.0/
   sed -i -e "s#prefix=\.\/install#prefix=$HOME/install/quark#g"
   sed -i -e "s#CFLAGS=-O2#CFLAGS=-O2 -fPIC#g"
   make install
   cd $HOME/install
   rm quark-0.9.0/ quark-0.9.0.tgz -rf


*** Some details about dependencies
**** BLAS implementation
     [[][BLAS]] (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms), are a de facto standard
     for basic linear algebra operations such as vector and matrix
     multiplication.  FORTRAN implementation of BLAS is available from
     Netlib.  Also, C implementation of BLAS is included in GSL (GNU
     Scientific Library).  Both these implementations are reference
     implementation of BLAS, are not optimized for modern processor
     architectures and provide an order of magnitude lower performance
     than optimized implementations.  Highly optimized implementations
     of BLAS are available from many hardware vendors, such as Intel
     MKL, IBM ESSL and AMD ACML.  Fast implementations are also
     available as academic packages, such as ATLAS and OpenBLAS.  The
     standard interface to BLAS is the FORTRAN interface.

     *Caution about the compatibility:* Chameleon has been mainly tested
     with the reference BLAS from NETLIB, OpenBLAS and Intel MKL.
**** CBLAS
     [[][CBLAS]] is a C language interface to BLAS.  Most commercial and
     academic implementations of BLAS also provide CBLAS.  Netlib
     provides a reference implementation of CBLAS on top of FORTRAN
     BLAS (Netlib CBLAS).  Since GSL is implemented in C, it naturally
     provides CBLAS.

     *Caution about the compatibility:* Chameleon has been mainly tested with
     the reference CBLAS from NETLIB, OpenBLAS and Intel MKL.

**** LAPACK implementation
     [[][LAPACK]] (Linear Algebra PACKage) is a software library for
     numerical linear algebra, a successor of LINPACK and EISPACK and
     a predecessor of Chameleon.  LAPACK provides routines for solving
     linear systems of equations, linear least square problems,
     eigenvalue problems and singular value problems.  Most commercial
     and academic BLAS packages also provide some LAPACK routines.

     *Caution about the compatibility:* Chameleon has been mainly tested
     with the reference LAPACK from NETLIB, OpenBLAS and Intel MKL.

     [[][LAPACKE]] is a C language interface to LAPACK (or CLAPACK).  It is
     produced by Intel in coordination with the LAPACK team and is
     available in source code from Netlib in its original version
     (Netlib LAPACKE) and from Chameleon website in an extended
     version (LAPACKE for Chameleon).  In addition to implementing the
     C interface, LAPACKE also provides routines which automatically
     handle workspace allocation, making the use of LAPACK much more

     *Caution about the compatibility:* Chameleon has been mainly tested
     with the reference LAPACKE from NETLIB, OpenBLAS and Intel MKL.

**** libtmg
     [[][libtmg]] is a component of the LAPACK library, containing routines
     for generation of input matrices for testing and timing of
     LAPACK.  The testing and timing suites of LAPACK require libtmg,
     but not the library itself. Note that the LAPACK library can be
     built and used without libtmg.

     *Caution about the compatibility:* Chameleon has been mainly tested
     with the reference TMGLIB from NETLIB, OpenBLAS and Intel MKL.

**** QUARK
     [[][QUARK]] (QUeuing And Runtime for Kernels) provides a library that
     enables the dynamic execution of tasks with data dependencies in
     a multi-core, multi-socket, shared-memory environment.  One of
     QUARK or StarPU Runtime systems has to be enabled in order to
     schedule tasks on the architecture.  If QUARK is enabled then
     StarPU is disabled and conversely.  Note StarPU is enabled by
     default.  When Chameleon is linked with QUARK, it is not possible
     to exploit neither CUDA (for GPUs) nor MPI (distributed-memory
     environment).  You can use StarPU to do so.

     *Caution about the compatibility:* Chameleon has been mainly tested
     with the QUARK library 0.9.

**** StarPU
     [[][StarPU]] is a task programming library for hybrid architectures.
     StarPU handles run-time concerns such as:
     * Task dependencies
     * Optimized heterogeneous scheduling
     * Optimized data transfers and replication between main memory
       and discrete memories
     * Optimized cluster communications

     StarPU can be used to benefit from GPUs and distributed-memory
     environment.  One of QUARK or StarPU runtime system has to be
     enabled in order to schedule tasks on the architecture.  If
     StarPU is enabled then QUARK is disabled and conversely.  Note
     StarPU is enabled by default.

     *Caution about the compatibility:* Chameleon has been mainly tested
     with StarPU-1.1 and 1.2 releases.

**** FxT
     [[][FxT]] stands for both FKT (Fast Kernel Tracing) and FUT (Fast User
     Tracing).  This library provides efficient support for recording
     traces.  Chameleon can trace kernels execution on the different
     workers and produce .paje files if FxT is enabled.  FxT can only
     be used through StarPU and StarPU must be compiled with FxT
     enabled, see how to use this feature here [[sec:trace][Execution trace using

     *Caution about the compatibility:* FxT should be compatible with
     the version of StarPU used.
**** hwloc
     [[][hwloc]] (Portable Hardware Locality) is a software package for
     accessing the topology of a multicore system including components
     like: cores, sockets, caches and NUMA nodes. The topology
     discovery library, ~hwloc~, is not mandatory to use StarPU but
     strongly recommended.  It allows to increase performance, and to
     perform some topology aware scheduling. ~hwloc~ is available in
     major distributions and for most OSes and can be downloaded from

**** pthread
     POSIX threads library is required to run Chameleon on Unix-like systems.
     It is a standard component of any such system.

**** OpenMPI
     [[][OpenMPI]] is an open source Message Passing Interface
     implementation for execution on multiple nodes with
     distributed-memory environment.  MPI can be enabled only if the
     runtime system chosen is StarPU (default).  To use MPI through
     StarPU, it is necessary to compile StarPU with MPI enabled.

     *Caution about the compatibility:* OpenMPI should be built with the
     --enable-mpi-thread-multiple option.

**** Nvidia CUDA Toolkit
     [[][Nvidia CUDA Toolkit]] provides a comprehensive development
     environment for C and C++ developers building GPU-accelerated
     applications.  Chameleon can use a set of low level optimized
     kernels coming from cuBLAS to accelerate computations on GPUs.
     The [[][cuBLAS]] library is an implementation of BLAS (Basic Linear
     Algebra Subprograms) on top of the Nvidia CUDA runtime.  cuBLAS
     is normaly distributed with Nvidia CUDA Toolkit.  CUDA/cuBLAS can
     be enabled in Chameleon only if the runtime system chosen is
     StarPU (default).  To use CUDA through StarPU, it is necessary to
     compile StarPU with CUDA enabled.

     *Caution about the compatibility:* Chameleon has been mainly tested
     with CUDA releases from versions 4 to 7.5.  Your compiler must be
     compatible with CUDA.

** Distribution of Chameleon using Spack
   To get support to install a full distribution (Chameleon +
   dependencies) we encourage users to use the morse branch of *Spack*.

   Please read these documentations:
   * [[][Spack Cham]]
   * [[][Section Chameleon]]

*** Usage example for a simple distribution of Chameleon
    #+begin_src sh
    git clone
    . ./spack/share/spack/
    spack install -v chameleon
    # chameleon is installed here:
    `spack location -i chameleon`

** Build and install Chameleon with CMake
   Compilation of Chameleon libraries and executables are done with
   CMake ( This version has been tested with
   CMake 3.5.1 but any version superior to 2.8 should be fine.

   Here the steps to configure, build, test and install
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   1. configure:
      cmake path/to/chameleon -DOPTION1= -DOPTION2= ...
      # see the "Configuration options" section to get list of options
      # see the "Dependencies detection" for details about libraries detection
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   2. build:
      # do not hesitate to use -j[ncores] option to speedup the compilation
   3. test (optional, required CHAMELEON_ENABLE_TESTING=ON and/or
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   4. install (optional):
      make install
      Do not forget to specify the install directory with
      *-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX* at configure.
      cmake /home/jdoe/chameleon -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/jdoe/install/chameleon
      Note that the install process is optional. You are free to use
      Chameleon binaries compiled in the build directory.
*** Configuration options
    You can optionally activate some options at cmake configure (like CUDA, MPI, ...)
    invoking ~cmake path/to/your/CMakeLists.txt -DOPTION1= -DOPTION2= ...~
    cmake /home/jdoe/chameleon/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
                                -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/jdoe/install/ \
                                -DCHAMELEON_USE_CUDA=ON \
                                -DCHAMELEON_USE_MPI=ON \
                                -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel10_64lp \
                                -DSTARPU_DIR=/home/jdoe/install/starpu-1.2/ \

    You can get the full list of options with *-L[A][H]* options of cmake command
    cmake -LH /home/jdoe/chameleon/

    You can also set the options thanks to the *ccmake* interface.

**** Native CMake options (non-exhaustive list)
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     * *CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug|Release|RelWithDebInfo|MinSizeRel*:
       level of compiler optimization, enable/disable debug
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     * *CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path/to/your/install/dir*: where headers,
       libraries, executables, etc, will be copied when invoking make
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     * *BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON|OFF*: indicate wether or not CMake has to
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       build Chameleon static (~OFF~) or shared (~ON~) libraries.
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     * *CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc|icc|...*: to choose the C compilers
       if several exist in the environment
     * *CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran|ifort|...*: to choose the
       Fortran compilers if several exist in the environment

**** Related to specific modules (find_package) to find external libraries
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     * *BLA_VENDOR=All|Eigen|Open|Generic|Intel10_64lp|Intel10_64lp_seq*:
       to use intel mkl for example, see the list of BLA_VENDOR in
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       FindBLAS.cmake in cmake_modules/morse_cmake/modules/find
     * *STARPU_DIR=path/to/root/starpu/install*, see [[sec:depdet][Dependencies
     * *STARPU_INCDIR=path/to/root/starpu/install/headers*, see
       [[sec:depdet][Dependencies detection]]
     * *STARPU_LIBDIR=path/to/root/starpu/install/libs*, see
       [[sec:depdet][Dependencies detection]]
     * List of packages that can searched just like STARPU (with _DIR,
       _INCDIR and _LIBDIR):

     Libraries detected with an official cmake module (see module files
     in CMAKE_ROOT/Modules/): CUDA - MPI - Threads.

     Libraries detected with our cmake modules (see module files in
     cmake_modules/morse_cmake/modules/find/ directory of Chameleon
     sources): BLAS - CBLAS - EZTRACE - FXT - HWLOC - LAPACK -

**** Chameleon specific options
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     * *CHAMELEON_SCHED_STARPU=ON|OFF* (default ON): to link with
       StarPU library (runtime system)
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     * *CHAMELEON_SCHED_QUARK=ON|OFF* (default OFF): to link with QUARK
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     * *CHAMELEON_USE_MPI=ON|OFF* (default OFF): to link with MPI
       library (message passing implementation for use of multiple
       nodes with distributed memory), can only be used with StarPU
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     * *CHAMELEON_USE_CUDA=ON|OFF* (default OFF): to link with CUDA
       runtime (implementation paradigm for accelerated codes on GPUs)
       and cuBLAS library (optimized BLAS kernels on GPUs), can only
       be used with StarPU
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     * *CHAMELEON_ENABLE_DOC=ON|OFF* (default OFF): to control build of
       the documentation contained in doc/ sub-directory
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     * *CHAMELEON_ENABLE_EXAMPLE=ON|OFF* (default ON): to control build
       of the examples executables (API usage) contained in example/
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     * *CHAMELEON_ENABLE_TESTING=ON|OFF* (default ON): to control build
       of testing executables (numerical check) contained in testing/
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     * *CHAMELEON_ENABLE_TIMING=ON|OFF* (default ON): to control build
       of timing executables (performances check) contained in timing/
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     * *CHAMELEON_ENABLE_TRACING=ON|OFF* (default OFF): to enable trace
       generation during execution of timing drivers. It requires
       StarPU to be linked with FxT library (trace execution of
       kernels on workers), see also [[sec:trace][Execution tracing
       with StarPU]].
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     * *CHAMELEON_SIMULATION=ON|OFF* (default OFF): to enable
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       simulation mode, means Chameleon will not really execute tasks,
       see details in section [[sec:simu][Use simulation mode with
       StarPU-SimGrid]]. This option must be used with StarPU compiled
       with [[][SimGrid]] allowing to guess the execution time on any
       architecture. This feature should be used to make experiments
       on the scheduler behaviors and performances not to produce
       solutions of linear systems.

*** Dependencies detection
    You have different choices to detect dependencies on your system,
    either by setting some environment variables containing paths to
    the libs and headers or by specifying them directly at cmake
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    configure. Different cases:

    1) detection of dependencies through environment variables:
       - LD_LIBRARY_PATH should contain the list of paths where to find
         the libraries:
         export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:install/path/to/your/lib
       - INCLUDE should contain the list of paths where to find the
         header files of libraries
         export INCLUDE=$INCLUDE:install/path/to/your/headers
    2) detection with user's given paths:
       - you can specify the path at cmake configure by invoking ~cmake
         path/to/your/CMakeLists.txt -DLIB_DIR=path/to/your/lib~ where
         LIB stands for the name of the lib to look for
         cmake path/to/your/CMakeLists.txt -DSTARPU_DIR=path/to/starpudir \
                                           -DCBLAS_DIR= ...
         it is also possible to specify headers and library directories
         cmake path/to/your/CMakeLists.txt -DSTARPU_INCDIR=path/to/libstarpu/include/starpu/1.1 \
       - note: BLAS and LAPACK detection can be tedious so that we
         provide a verbose mode you can set *-DBLAS_VERBOSE=ON* or
         *-DLAPACK_VERBOSE=ON* to enable it
    3) detection with custom environment variables: all variables like
       _DIR, _INCDIR, _LIBDIR can be set as environment variables
       instead of CMake options, there will be read
    4) using [[][pkg-config]] for libraries that provide .pc files
       - update your *PKG_CONFIG_PATH* to the paths where to find .pc
         files of installed external libraries like hwloc, starpu, some
         blas/lapack, etc