#+TITLE: README for developers
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This page is dedicated to rules and conventions that Chameleon's
developers must follow and that should be read by contributors.
* Gitlab flow: how to contribute to Chameleon
Please read and follow guidelines given in the [[][CONTRIBUTING file]].
** Update submodules
Chameleon git project depends on a "submodule" git, located in
cmake_modules/morse_cmake and hosted here
To update this submodule to the last development state, follow
these steps:
#+begin_src sh
git submodule update --remote cmake_modules/morse_cmake
git commit cmake_modules/morse_cmake -m "update morse_cmake submodule"
git push --recurse-submodules=check
* Documentation
*** Prerequisites
To generate the documentation you need to have [[][Doxygen]] and
[[][org-mode]] installed on your system.
For example, on Debian systems:
#+begin_src sh
sudo apt install doxygen org-mode texlive texlive-latex-extra emacs
*** configure + make documentation
Enter into the Chameleon's source root directory and configure
with *CHAMELEON_ENABLE_DOC=ON*, then generate the documentation
with ~make doc~
#+begin_src sh
cd chameleon
mkdir build && cd build
make doc
** Rules about source code documentation
Please refer to this file for the documentation guidelines [[file:doc/doxygen/][README]].
* Naming and writting conventions
Chameleon library started as an extension of the PLASMA library so
that code naming and writting conventions should follow [[][PLASMA]] ones.
* Packaging
A Chameleon's release is a source package, of the form
chameleon-major.minor.patch.tar.gz, which:
1) has been properly tested,
2) contains a generated documentation corresponding to the released version,
3) has an up-to-date ChangeLog file,
4) is published on internet.
** Test Chameleon before packaging
TODO - Write the way we could systematically test Chameleon before
packaging, for example writting a script (generated from this
org-mode file) to be used on PlaFRIM plus some specific ctest
** Source tarball generation
This step requires to generate the [[sec:doc][documentation]].
#+begin_src sh
export CHAMELEON_ROOT=/path/to/chameleon/sources/to/be/released
make doc
cp doc/orgmode/users_guide.pdf $CHAMELEON_ROOT
make package_source
A tarball chameleon-major.minor.patch.tar.gz should be generated
and contains the users_guide documentation.
** Publish the release on internet
A git tag must be first created, for example
#+begin_src sh
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m 'Version 1.0.0'
git push --tags
Then in the Chameleon *Tags* tab,, edit the
release notes and attach the tarball previously generated.