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cuda_zgelqt.c 6.25 KiB
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 * @copyright (c) 2009-2014 The University of Tennessee and The University
 *                          of Tennessee Research Foundation.
 *                          All rights reserved.
 * @copyright (c) 2012-2015 Inria. All rights reserved.
 * @copyright (c) 2012-2014 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria, Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.

 * @file cuda_zgelqt.c
 *  MORSE cudablas kernel
 *  MORSE is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,
 *  Univ. of California Berkeley and Univ. of Colorado Denver,
 *  and INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest
 * @author Florent Pruvost
 * @date 2015-09-16
 * @precisions normal z -> c d s
#include "cudablas/include/cudablas.h"

int CUDA_zgelqt(
    magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nb,
    magmaDoubleComplex *da, magma_int_t ldda,
    magmaDoubleComplex *v,  magma_int_t ldv,
    magmaDoubleComplex *dt, magma_int_t lddt,
    magmaDoubleComplex *t,  magma_int_t ldt,
    magmaDoubleComplex *dd,
    magmaDoubleComplex *d,  magma_int_t ldd,
    magmaDoubleComplex *tau,
    magmaDoubleComplex *hwork,
    magmaDoubleComplex *dwork,
    CUstream stream)
#define da_ref(a_1,a_2) ( da+(a_2)*(ldda) + (a_1))
#define v_ref(a_1,a_2)  ( v+(a_2)*(ldv) + (a_1))
#define dt_ref(a_1,a_2) ( dt+(a_2)*(lddt) + (a_1))
#define t_ref(a_1,a_2)  ( t+(a_2)*(ldt) + (a_1))

    int i, k, ib, old_i, old_ib, rows, cols;
        hwork[0] = *((magmaDoubleComplex*) &one);
        return MAGMA_SUCCESS;

    /* lower parts of little T must be zero: memset to 0 for simplicity */
    memset(t_ref(0,0), 0, nb*n*sizeof(magmaDoubleComplex));
    cudaMemsetAsync(dt_ref(0,0), 0, nb*n*sizeof(magmaDoubleComplex), stream);

    if ( (nb > 1) && (nb < k) ) {
        /* Use blocked code initially */
        old_i = 0; old_ib = nb;
        for (i = 0; i < k-nb; i += nb) {

            ib = min(k-i, nb);
            cols = n-i;
            magma_zgetmatrix_async( ib, cols,
                                    da_ref(i,i), ldda,
                                    v_ref(0,i), ib, stream );

            if (i>0){
                /* Apply H' to A(i+2*ib:m, i:n) from the right */
                rows = m-old_i-2*old_ib;
                magma_zlarfb_gpu( MagmaRight, MagmaNoTrans, MagmaForward, MagmaRowwise,
                                  rows, n-old_i, old_ib,
                                  da_ref(old_i, old_i), ldda, dt_ref(0,old_i), lddt,
                                  da_ref(old_i+2*old_ib, old_i), ldda,
                                  dwork, rows);

                /* store the diagonal */
                magma_zsetmatrix_async( old_ib, old_ib,
                                        d,                    old_ib,
                                        da_ref(old_i, old_i), ldda, stream );

            magma_queue_sync( stream );
            /* Form the triangular factor of the block reflector on the host
             H = H'(i+ib-1) . . . H(i+1) H(i) */
            CORE_zgelqt(ib, cols, ib,
                        (double _Complex*) v_ref(0,i), ib,
                        (double _Complex*) t_ref(0,0), ib,
                        (double _Complex*) tau+i,
                        (double _Complex*) hwork);

            /* put 0s in the lower triangular part of a panel (and 1s on the
             diagonal); copy the lower triangular in d */
            CORE_zgesplit(MorseRight, MorseUnit, ib, min(ib,cols),
                          (double _Complex*) v_ref(0,i), ib,
                          (double _Complex*) d, ib);

            /* send the custom panel to the GPU */
            magma_zsetmatrix( ib, cols,
                              v_ref(0, i), ib,
                              da_ref(i, i), ldda );

            if ( i + ib < n ){
                /* Send the triangular factor T to the GPU */
                magma_zsetmatrix( ib, ib,
                                  t_ref(0, 0), ib,
                                  dt_ref(0, i), lddt );

                if (i+nb < k-nb) {
                    /* Apply H' to A(i+ib:i+2*ib, i:n) from the right */
                    magma_zlarfb_gpu( MagmaRight, MagmaNoTrans, MagmaForward, MagmaRowwise,
                                      ib, cols, ib,
                                      da_ref(i,   i), ldda, dt_ref(0,i), lddt,
                                      da_ref(i+ib,i), ldda, dwork, ib);
                else {
                    rows = m-i-ib;
                    magma_zlarfb_gpu( MagmaRight, MagmaNoTrans, MagmaForward, MagmaRowwise,
                                      rows, cols, ib,
                                      da_ref(i,   i), ldda, dt_ref(0,i), lddt,
                                      da_ref(i+ib,i), ldda, dwork, rows);
                    /* Fix the diagonal block */
                    magma_zsetmatrix_async( ib, ib,
                                            d,            ib,
                                            da_ref(i, i), ldda,
                                            stream );
                old_i  = i;
                old_ib = ib;
    } else {
        i = 0;
    /* Use unblocked code to factor the last or only block. */
    if (i < k) {
        ib   = m-i;
        cols = n-i;
        magma_zgetmatrix( ib, cols,
                          da_ref(i,i), ldda,
                          v_ref(0,i), ib );
        CORE_zgelqt(ib, cols, ib,
                    (double _Complex*) v_ref(0,i), ib,
                    (double _Complex*) t_ref(0,0), ib,
                    (double _Complex*) tau+i,
                    (double _Complex*) hwork);
        /* send the last factorized panel to the GPU */
        magma_zsetmatrix( ib, cols,
                          v_ref(0, i), ib,
                          da_ref(i, i), ldda );
        /* Send the triangular factor T to the GPU */
        magma_zsetmatrix( ib, cols,
                          t_ref(0, 0), ib,
                          dt_ref(0, i), lddt );

#undef da_ref
#undef v_ref
#undef dt_ref
#undef t_ref

    return MORSE_SUCCESS;