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Fix bugs related to generator/list in add_from_edges()

Merged PETIT Manuel requested to merge fix/add_edges_from into develop
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@@ -248,13 +248,33 @@ class Graph(nx.Graph):
>>> g.add_edges_from([(7, 9)], key1="hello", key2="world") # use an integer as node id, they don't
>>> g.get_edge_data(7, 9)
{'key1': 'hello', 'key2': 'world'}
>>> g.copy() # fix bug relate to generator
if isinstance(ebunch_to_add[0], tuple):
if isinstance(ebunch_to_add[0][0], tuple):
ebunch_to_add = [(stuple(u), stuple(v)) for (u, v) in ebunch_to_add]
# TODO: Rewrite the add_edges_from() method from networkx
# Fix bug related to generator
if not isinstance(ebunch_to_add, list):
ebunch_to_add = list(ebunch_to_add) # force conversion from generator to list
processed_edges = []
for i, e in enumerate(ebunch_to_add):
if len(e) == 2:
u, v = e
if isinstance(u, tuple):
u = stuple(u)
if isinstance(v, tuple):
v = stuple(v)
processed_edges.append((u, v))
elif len(e) == 3:
u, v, d = e
if isinstance(u, tuple):
u = stuple(u)
if isinstance(v, tuple):
v = stuple(v)
processed_edges.append((u, v, d))
ebunch_to_add = [stuple(e) for (e) in ebunch_to_add]
raise ValueError(f"Invalid edge tuple length: {len(e)}. Expected length 2 or 3.")
log.debug(f"List of edges to add: {ebunch_to_add}")
nx.Graph.add_edges_from(self, ebunch_to_add, **kwargs)