<title>Alignment API: Release notes</title>
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<center><h1>Alignment API, release notes</h1></center>
<p><small><b>Release numbers:</b> major release numbers are for majors
redesign that will modify the API and may lead you to
change your code; minor release numbers bring bug fixes and new
functionnalities but should not require change in existing code.</small></p>
<li>Add full support for algebraic operations (meet/join/inv/compose)</li>
<li>Implement level 2OML alignments (version 3);</li>
<li>Implement better similarity/extractor</li>
<li>Fully implement individual alignments</li>
<li>Getting rid of property files and sql schemas by integrating these in the code</li>
<li>Add correspondence annotations</li>
<li>Integrating tagging to the wordnet part</li>
<h2>Under development</h2>
<p><ul compact="1">
<li>Adding JADE (FIPA/ACL) Alignment server profile</li>
<li>Adding Web Service Alignment server profile</li>
<h2>Current SVN trunk version</h2>
<!--p><b>Version 3.0: ??/02/2007 - Hyderabad</b></p-->
<p><font color="red">BEWARE:</font>
The main modification in this version is more independence from the
OWL API which is not anymore compulsory. Consequently, the existing
implementation of matching methods with Alignment API should undergo
some modifications: <a href="up2to3.html">Here is how to do</a>.</p>
<p>The Alignment API is now compiled in Java 1.5 (older versions
should still be able to run it).</p>
<li>Separated <tt>BasicAlignment</tt>
from <tt>OWLAPIAlignment</tt></li>
<li>Implemented <tt>URIAlignment</tt></li>
<li><tt>AlignmentParser</tt> returns an <tt>URIAlignment</tt>, for
obtaining an <tt>OWLAPIAlignment</tt>,
use <tt>OWLAPIAlignment.toOWLAPIAlignemnent(URIAlignment)</tt>.</li>
<li>Based all implemented methods on <tt>OWLAPIAlignment</tt></li>
<li>Implemented all renderer methods for <tt>URIAlignments</tt></li>
<li>Adapted all util functions to the relevant methods</li>
<li>Added autodetection of renderers and methods in server</li>
<li>Added menu of available alignments when possibles</li>
<li>Added cut method in server</li>
<li>Suppressed all useless import and imprecise catch</li>
<li>Implemented an abstract notion of ontology cache</li>
<li>Suppressed "localhost" from local URL in README, tutorial and documentation</li>
<h2>December 30th, 2006</h2>
<p><b>Version 2.5: 30/12/2006 - Thalia</b></p>
<p><ul compact="1">
<li>Added Alignment server</li>
<li>Added HTML Alignment server profile</li>
<li>Added new output of algorithms strength in OAEI (GroupOutput)</li>
<li>Suppressed outdated "tutorial" from repository (see html/tutorial)</li>
<li>Corrected Cell id rendering/parse in RDF/XML (rdf:about)</li>
<li>Improved Precision/recall graph rendering in LaTeX</li>
<li>Improved Weighted harmonic means computation in GroupEval</li>
<p><b>Version 2.4: 10/07/2006 - Cercedilla noches</b></p>
<p><ul compact="1">
<li>Added a <a href="tutorial">tutorial</a> in the html pages.</li>
<li>Integrated first implementation of HTTP Alignment Server</li>
<li>Slightly changed GroupAlign for accomodating "DOS-based" C:</li>
<li>Made Alignment an extension of Cloneable</li>
<li>Put more conformity to the actual practice of DTD</li>
<li>Corrected output format of some evaluators</li>
<li>Corrected XSLTRenderer for working with RDF/XML output</li>
<li>Corrected ParserPrinter so that inverse() be recorded</li>
<li>Suppressed a printout in MatrixMeasure</li>
<h2>June 15th, 2006</h2>
<p><b>Version 2.3: 15/06/2006 - OAEI-2006 ready</b></p>
<li>ProcAlign and GroupAlign automatically store "time" tag;</li>
<li>StringDistAlignment and RDFRenderer protect the instances without URIs;</li>
<li>GroupAlign default aligner becomes
<h2>June 5th, 2006</h2>
<p><b>Version 2.2: 05/06/2006 - Onyeari's version a.k.a. may GForge be with you</b></p>
<p>Upgraded to OWL-API 06-04-12<br />
<font color="red"></font> No problem encountered.
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Moved sources to</li>
<li>Moved web site to</li>
<li>Updated documentation to reflect new source location</li>
<li>Revisited the release target of the build file for svn compatibility</li>
<li>Added service directory, alignsvc.jar and QueryMediator class</li>
<li>Reengineered StringDistances (only return normalized values) and
StringDistNameAlignment (replaces all the others). This fully
implement individual alignment;</li>
<li>Added similarity matrix printer (-DprintMatrix=1)</li>
<li>Added Hamming, N-gramms, Needleman-Wunch distance, Jaro and
Jaro-Winckler measures on strings</li>
<li>Added -r option for changing reference name in GroupEval</li>
<li>Corrected bug in SymMeanEvaluator</li>
<li>Corrected cut behavior (did not cut the last item, best did not work)</li>
<li>GenPlot generates directly gnuplot output and LaTeX/PGF inclusion.</li>
<p><b>Version 2.1: 17/02/2006 - pre GForge</b></p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Fixed SEKT renderer problem;</li>
<li>Further fixed ingest and addAlignCell methods that were not 1-1
<li>Fixed unicity problem in cell sets;</li>
<li>Reintroduced hash indexing by objects in BasicAlignment;</li>
<li>Added PRExtEvaluator implementing Ehrig/Euzenat extended precision
and recall;</li>
<li>Added CERTH string comparison method;</li>
<li>Added SKOSRendererVisitor;</li>
<li>Corrected OWL/RDF mistakes in some example files;</li>
<li>Corrected mistakes in align.owl and align.rdfs (thanks to Antoine Isaac);</li>
<h2>October 1st, 2005</h2>
<p><b>Version 2: 1/10/2005 - Raphael's version a.k.a. AC385 version</b></p>
Jérôme Euzenat
<p><font color="red">BEWARE:</font> <tt>Alignment</tt> methods <tt>getAlignCell1</tt>, <tt>getAlignCell2</tt>, <tt>getAlignedObject1</tt>, <tt>getAlignedObject2</tt>, <tt>getStrength1</tt>, <tt>getStrength2</tt>, <tt>getRelation1</tt>
and <tt>getRelation2</tt> deprecated (implementation is still
provided however).
<li>Fixed all implementation that assume 1-1 alignments;</li>
<li>Deprecated accessor from the Alignment to the cell of an object;</li>
<li>Implemented the deprecated with a compile-time tag;</li>
<li>Implemented the Hungarian method for maximal pairing in building 1-1 alignments;</li>
<li>Added equals() method to Cell and Relation;</li>
<li>Added Precision-recall graph generators (GenPlot,PRGraphEvaluator);</li>
<li>Computation of aggregated precision and recall rather than average (GroupEval);</li>
<li>Added options for avoiding the alignment on some namespaces;</li>
<li>Added timing in Procalign and Groupalign;</li>
<li>Added extension mechnism for alignments (any extra-annotation stored).</li>
<h2>July 4th, 2005</h2>
<p><b>Version 1.4: 04/07/2005 - OAEI 2005 facilities</b></p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Many new parameters on GroupAlign (target/source/prefix) for
accomodating new test sets</li>
<li>Added freeing of ontology from memory between tests in GroupAlign</li>
<h2>June 15th, 2005</h2>
<p><b>Version 1.3: 15/06/2005 - Ready for OAEI 2005</b></p>
<p>Upgraded to OWL-API 05-03-21<br />
<font color="red">BEWARE:</font> if you experience problems
recompiling after upgrading to this version of the OWL-API, this is
because it requires and additional method:
<tt>owlFullConstruct(int code, String message, Object o)</tt> in the
<tt>OWLRDFErrorHandler</tt> (see for the fix).
<p>Compatible with Java 1.5</p>
<p>New version featuring:
<li>Full implementation of parameters (reader included)</li>
<li>Separated the API from its implementation (align/procalign)</li>
<li>Separated the WordNet from the implementation (alignwn)</li>
<li>Corrected XML header of some examples (necessary for Java 1.5)</li>
<li>Fixed usability of Wordnet (on Mac OS X)</li>
<li>Added a (necessary) SubsumedRelation!</li>
<li>Added a sample embedding of main functions</li>
<li>Added three replicas of align(A,p) -> align(), align(A) and align(p)</li>
<li>Added SEKTMapping renderer</li>
<li>Added method and semantics tags to format</li>
<li>Added -p parameter for reading parameter file on most util classes</li>
<li>Added alignment method name output in the output format</li>
<li>Implemented GroupAlign allowing to batch-align several ontologies</li>
<li>Started reengineering matrix-based distance alignments</li>
<h2>November 23th, 2004</h2>
<p><b>Version 1.2: 23/11/2004 - ISWC suggestions and improvements</b></p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Added multiple cut implementation (hard/perc/prop/best...)</li>
<li>Added COWL renderer</li>
<li>Added warning about the need of log4j and getopts</li>
<li>Forced the RDFRenderer to generate UTF-8 (the parser does only accept UTF-8 in element names). All renderers take PrintWriters as arguments.</li>
<li>Fully implemented the parser and the printer so that onto tags contains file info and uri tags contain URI info.</li>
<h2>November 5th, 2004</h2>
<p><b>Version 1.1: 5/11/2004 - Lessons from EON</b></p>
<p>New version featuring:
<li>Fixed the format output and parsing to true RDF</li>
<li>Implemented GroupEval</li>
<li>Added WordNet method</li>
<li>Fixed two bugs in methods ()</li>
<li>Divided impl directory into method/rendered...</li>
<li>Implemented the inverse method</li>
<li>Added RDFS Format</li>
<li>Added an "id" to each cell (in API, Renderer and Parser);</li>
<li>Provided an XSLT stylesheet for alignments;</li>
<h2>April 19th, 2004</h2>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Corrected the problem of putting directly distances into strength
({get/set}Measure{1/2} are now called Strength,
new class DistanceAlignment which takes care of converting distances into strength);</li>
<li>Implemented effectively SymMeanEvaluator with a dispatch per elements;</li>
<li>Added correct 1:1 tags to all implemented OWL alignments</li>
<li>Used Object in API: no OWL in the format (all API methods which
returned OWL... now returns Objects, dynamic typecheckking of the
basic methods: maybe not the best idea)</li>
<li>Implemented parameters (align() and eval() take an additionnal
Parameters parameter, new Parameters interface and
BasicParameters class);</li>
<li>Corrected the visitor for the Renderer (now robust to subclassing);</li>
<li>Built a renderer for RDF and use it
(suppression of the write method in Cell and Alignment,
Procalign uses the same code for rendering);</li>
<li>Added a StringDistance class providing substring and editstriung distances;</li>
<li>Reviewed all catch with a printStackTraces (parser still unsatisfactory);</li>
<li>Cleaned-up traces;</li>
<li>Provided a full-fledged example illustrated with a paper;</li>
<li>Corrected StrucSubsDistNameAlignment;</li>
<li>Changed name: Evaluator.evaluate() --> Evaluator.eval();</li>
<p><b>Version 1.0: 4/4/2004 - First complete version</b></p>
<p>This uses the 090304 version of the OWL API.</p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Added the Evaluator interface and implementation (PRecEvaluator
and SymMeanEvaluator).</li>
<li>Added Exceptions</li>
<li>Added Renderer as visitors</li>
<li>Added a simple structural algorithm (StrucSubsDistNameAlignment).</li>
<li>Added a number of alignment based on substring distance;</li>
<li>Various improvements.</li>
<h2>January 2004</h2>
<p>Put under CVS at Sophia-Antipolis</p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Added a number of alignment implementations (EditDistAlignment);</li>
<h2>December 2003</h2>
<p><b>Version 0.1: 12/12/2003 - First release</b></p>
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