<title>Align API: Release notes</title>
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<center><h1>Alignment API, release notes</h1></center>
<h2>To do</h2>
<li>Implement better similarity/extractor</li>
<li>Fully implement individual alignments</li>
<li>Include additional tags;</li>
<li>Add full support for algebraic operations (meet/join/inv/compose)</li>
<li>Integrate web-service/Fipa-ACL/HTML server interface;</li>
<li>Implement level 2OML alignments (version 3);</li>
<li>Integrating tagging to the wordnet stuff</li>
<h2>Current CVS version</h2>
<h2>February 17th, 2006</h2>
<p><b>Version 2.1: 17/02/2006 - </b></p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Fixed SEKT renderer problem;</li>
<li>Further fixed ingest and addAlignCell methods that were not 1-1
<li>Fixed unicity problem in cell sets;</li>
<li>Reintroduced hash indexing by objects in BasicAlignment;</li>
<li>Added PRExtEvaluator implementing Ehrig/Euzenat extended precision
and recall;</li>
<li>Added CERTH string comparison method;</li>
<li>Added SKOSRendererVisitor;</li>
<li>Corrected OWL/RDF mistakes in some example files;</li>
<h2>October 1st, 2005</h2>
<p><b>Version 2: 1/10/2005 - Raphael's version a.k.a. AC385 version</b></p>
Jérôme Euzenat
<p><font color="red">BEWARE:</font> <tt>Alignment</tt> methods <tt>getAlignCell1</tt>, <tt>getAlignCell2</tt>, <tt>getAlignedObject1</tt>, <tt>getAlignedObject2</tt>, <tt>getStrength1</tt>, <tt>getStrength2</tt>, <tt>getRelation1</tt>
and <tt>getRelation2</tt> deprecated (implementation is still
provided however).
<li>Fixed all implementation that assume 1-1 alignments;</li>
<li>Deprecated accessor from the Alignment to the cell of an object;</li>
<li>Implemented the deprecated with a compile-time tag;</li>
<li>Implemented the Hungarian method for maximal pairing in building 1-1 alignments;</li>
<li>Added equals() method to Cell and Relation;</li>
<li>Added Precision-recall graph generators (GenPlot,PRGraphEvaluator);</li>
<li>Computation of aggregated precision and recall rather than average (GroupEval);</li>
<li>Added options for avoiding the alignment on some namespaces;</li>
<li>Added timing in Procalign and Groupalign;</li>
<li>Added extension mechnism for alignments (any extra-annotation stored).</li>
<h2>July 4th, 2005</h2>
<p><b>Version 1.4: 04/07/2005 - OAEI 2005 facilities</b></p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Many new parameters on GroupAlign (target/source/prefix) for
accomodating new test sets</li>
<li>Added freeing of ontology from memory between tests in GroupAlign</li>
<h2>June 15th, 2005</h2>
<p><b>Version 1.3: 15/06/2005 - Ready for OAEI 2005</b></p>
<p>Upgraded to OWL-API 05-03-21<br />
<font color="red">BEWARE:</font> if you experience problems
recompiling after upgrading to this version of the OWL-API, this is
because it requires and additional method:
<tt>owlFullConstruct(int code, String message, Object o)</tt> in the
<tt>OWLRDFErrorHandler</tt> (see for the fix).
<p>Compatible with Java 1.5</p>
<p>New version featuring:
<li>Full implementation of parameters (reader included)</li>
<li>Separated the API from its implementation (align/procalign)</li>
<li>Separated the WordNet from the implementation (alignwn)</li>
<li>Corrected XML header of some examples (necessary for Java 1.5)</li>
<li>Fixed usability of Wordnet (on Mac OS X)</li>
<li>Added a (necessary) SubsumedRelation!</li>
<li>Added a sample embedding of main functions</li>
<li>Added three replicas of align(A,p) -> align(), align(A) and align(p)</li>
<li>Added SEKTMapping renderer</li>
<li>Added method and semantics tags to format</li>
<li>Added -p parameter for reading parameter file on most util classes</li>
<li>Added alignment method name output in the output format</li>
<li>Implemented GroupAlign allowing to batch-align several ontologies</li>
<li>Started reengineering matrix-based distance alignments</li>
<h2>November 23th, 2004</h2>
<p><b>Version 1.2: 23/11/2004 - ISWC suggestions and improvements</b></p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Added multiple cut implementation (hard/perc/prop/best...)</li>
<li>Added COWL renderer</li>
<li>Added warning about the need of log4j and getopts</li>
<li>Forced the RDFRenderer to generate UTF-8 (the parser does only accept UTF-8 in element names). All renderers take PrintWriters as arguments.</li>
<li>Fully implemented the parser and the printer so that onto tags contains file info and uri tags contain URI info.</li>
<h2>November 5th, 2004</h2>
<p><b>Version 1.1: 5/11/2004 - Lessons from EON</b></p>
<p>New version featuring:
<li>Fixed the format output and parsing to true RDF</li>
<li>Implemented GroupEval</li>
<li>Added WordNet method</li>
<li>Fixed two bugs in methods ()</li>
<li>Divided impl directory into method/rendered...</li>
<li>Implemented the inverse method</li>
<li>Added RDFS Format</li>
<li>Added an "id" to each cell (in API, Renderer and Parser);</li>
<li>Provided an XSLT stylesheet for alignments;</li>
<h2>April 19th, 2004</h2>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Corrected the problem of putting directly distances into strength
({get/set}Measure{1/2} are now called Strength,
new class DistanceAlignment which takes care of converting distances into strength);</li>
<li>Implemented effectively SymMeanEvaluator with a dispatch per elements;</li>
<li>Added correct 1:1 tags to all implemented OWL alignments</li>
<li>Used Object in API: no OWL in the format (all API methods which
returned OWL... now returns Objects, dynamic typecheckking of the
basic methods: maybe not the best idea)</li>
<li>Implemented parameters (align() and eval() take an additionnal
Parameters parameter, new Parameters interface and
BasicParameters class);</li>
<li>Corrected the visitor for the Renderer (now robust to subclassing);</li>
<li>Built a renderer for RDF and use it
(suppression of the write method in Cell and Alignment,
Procalign uses the same code for rendering);</li>
<li>Added a StringDistance class providing substring and editstriung distances;</li>
<li>Reviewed all catch with a printStackTraces (parser still unsatisfactory);</li>
<li>Cleaned-up traces;</li>
<li>Provided a full-fledged example illustrated with a paper;</li>
<li>Corrected StrucSubsDistNameAlignment;</li>
<li>Changed name: Evaluator.evaluate() --> Evaluator.eval();</li>
<p><b>Version 1.0: 4/4/2004 - First complete version</b></p>
<p>This use the last version of the OWL API (090304).</p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Added the Evaluator interface and implementation (PRecEvaluator
and SymMeanEvaluator).</li>
<li>Added Exceptions</li>
<li>Added Renderer as visitors</li>
<li>Added a simple structural algorithm (StrucSubsDistNameAlignment).</li>
<li>Added a number of alignment based on substring distance;</li>
<li>Various improvements.</li>
<h2>January 2004</h2>
<p>Put under CVS at Sophia-Antipolis</p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Added a number of alignment implementations (EditDistAlignment);</li>
<h2>December 2003</h2>
<p><b>Version 0.1: 12/12/2003 - First release</b></p>