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add submodule 'gecos-buildtools' and delegate build and test jobs to jenkins

EL MOUSSAWI Ali Hassan requested to merge ci/jenkins into develop

Gitlab CI currently does not provide a way to keep track of test results history.

Jenkins on the other hand do a great job at this, however it currently does not provide a convenient way to add manual deploy jobs:

Thus, CI Build and Test are now delegated to Jenkins:

  • The Gitlab 'build' job triggers the corresponding jenkins job
  • wait until it finishes
  • download its updatesite artifact and archive it

The deploy jobs are still handled by Gitlab CI.

WARNING: (re)running the pipeline of an old commit does not work! As a workaround, you need to replay the Jenkins build for that commit (so that it becomes the latest build of the Jenkins job) and then rerun the Gitlab CI pipeline.

Merge request reports
