Generate gazelle framework documentation from markdown files.
This project generates static website (using jekyll) and PDF documents (oudated).
## Build and preview website with Docker
It requires Docker and docker-compose installed.
docker-compose up --build
Document is then available at <http://localhost:1080/gazelle-documentation/>
sudo apt-get install make git git-svn texlive-xetex pandoc ruby-dev build-essential dh-autoreconf
Then, from `gazelle-dev-documentation` folder run to install some more libs and required gems
### Generate the documents and the website
### Add a gem in the bundle
cd target/jekyll-gazelle-documentation
sudo bundle add webrick
sudo bundle install
### Generate all the documents and start Jekyll (do not use in production)
sudo bundle exec jekyll serve
Once it is done you server must have been started on localhost:4000/gazelle-documentation/
## Folder structure
| |
| |--Makefile
| |--media/
| |
| | | (one file per release, named with version identifier)
| |--target/ (Created at compile time)
| |
| |--Makefile
| |--media/
| |
| | | (one file per release, named with version identifier)
| |--target/ (Created at compile time)
+--target/ (Created at compile time)
## Markdown files
The source files use the Markdown language.
To get fancy final documents, you need:
* A YAML header containing all the requested metadata (see YAML section)
* Use Relative paths to pictures (eg. *“./media/mypicture.jpg”*)
* Use Relative paths to point the resources located on the same platform (eg. If you need to reference a page in your tool, start the URL at *“/theTool”*)
The YAML header is used by Jekyll and pandoc to generate menus and front pages, make sure all the metadata are present and up-to-date. The *.md files must start with the YAML header.
The YAML header is used by Jekyll and pandoc to generate menus and front pages, make sure all the metadata are present and up-to-date. The *.md files must start with the YAML header.
## Conversion Markdown to Pdf files
To generate pdf files use the command (might take some times)
sudo make -i pdf-gen
you can use
sudo make clean
to remove all generated files
Be careful with table in markdown they may break your pdf if table are too big.
In any case if your pdf is break you might want to use the extension markdown pdf with visual studio code.
With this extension you can generate pdf one by one with command available in the extension.
Table with this extension are correct
[Pandoc installation package](