You shall have previously defined your GitLab user: git config --global ""
### Usage of git svn
### Usage of git
To update your local copy
git svn rebase .
git rebase .
Once your work is ready, you can commit locally
git add filenames
git commit -m "blah blah" filenames
And then push all the local commits on the forge
And then push all the local commits on Git Lab
git svn dcommit
git push
## Generate documentation
install required software
from `gazelle-documentation` folder run:
from `gazelle-dev-documentation` folder run:
$ make setup
# will install requirement on the computer
@@ -89,34 +91,7 @@ To get fancy final documents, you need:
The YAML header is used by Jekyll and pandoc to generate menus and front pages, make sure all the metadata are present and up-to-date. The *.md files must start with the YAML header.
Add the following header to your file (header of release note is generated in Jira, you only have to set the empty values):
title: User Manual or Installation Manual
subtitle: Tool name
author: Your name
function: Engineer
date: current date
toolversion: version of the tool the document applies to
version: version of the document
status: statut du document (Approved|Draft|For review)
The YAML header is used by Jekyll and pandoc to generate menus and front pages, make sure all the metadata are present and up-to-date. The *.md files must start with the YAML header.
*\[[GZL-4819](\] Adding a HL7 conformance profile is failing when the selected transaction is linked to a document