Merge feature/NPD-694-gum-renovation-step-2 into release/7.0.0
Merge request reports
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assigned to @x-nronce
added 38 commits
93cf9441...90b55e28 - 37 commits from branch
- ba41366c - Merge branch 'release/7.0.0' into 'feature/NPD-694-gum-renovation-step-2'
93cf9441...90b55e28 - 37 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- fa1c666a - updated versions, gitlab ci, clean code and metadata-v7 properties file
added 11 commits
- eb09f656 - 1 earlier commit
- b65db9e4 - Correct SR_DOSE string value to DICOMM_SR_CONFORMANCE
- 740cc373 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop
- 4bd15046 - Bugfix/ehs 687 add mca button
- 6ea32e12 - Merge branch 'bugfix/EHS-687-add-mca-button' into 'develop'
- 2f7fa91d - Merge branch 'develop' into 'master':
- a11a7a41 - Update .gitlab-ci.yml
- 2e3f0b6f - [ci skip]prepare release 6.4.1
- 09079476 - [ci skip]prepare for next development iteration
- 7d86f444 - Merge branch 'master' into feature/NPD-694-gum-renovation-step-2
- 65dcc48e - Upgrade version of fasterxml.jackson to 2.12.6
Toggle commit listmentioned in commit 8c4b4bab
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