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This code enables to compute the static electric field in the 4-electrode-system for liver electroporation. The code generates the mesh with Gmsh, and compute the solution of the nonlinear problem with Freefem++.
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Three bidomain related models.
Up to october 2024, a same project encompassed three models: Bidomain, SurfacicBidomain and BidomainVentricles.
Now each is one specific project; current one is kept for archive purpose but won't be updated.
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Enseignement ENSTA Paris - Cours SIM203 - Initiation au calcul haute performance [2021-2022]
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Implementation of Exploiting Repetitions for Image-Based Rendering of Facades, Simon Rodriguez, Adrien Bousseau, Frédo Durand, George Drettakis, Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 37, Number 4 - 2018. (http://www-sop.inria.fr/reves/Basilic/2018/RBDD18/)
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FELiScE (Finite Elements for Life Sciences and Engineering) is a parallel finite element library written in C++. https://team.inria.fr/commedia/software/felisce/
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Contains the FHIR structure definitions, code systems, value sets and other FHIR conformance resources required to validate FHIR based implementations
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Find Inventors and Discovery Game by Inria Unity "Game" in VR (oculus) for homo numericus exibition
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