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A tutorial to provide a solid basis to start writing proper C++ code with the latest versions of the standard.
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MRF (Malia Rendering Framework) is an open source library for predictive, physically-realistic rendering.
It comes with several applications, including a spectral path tracer, RGB-to-spectral conversion routines.
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MoReFEM core library.
This library also contains some simple Models to illustrate how to use it, and several integration tests.
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An open-source platform for analysis of high-throughput repertoire sequencing (RepSeq) data
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Flocq (Floats for Coq) is a floating-point formalization for the Coq system. It provides a comprehensive library of theorems on a multi-radix multi-precision arithmetic. It also supports efficient numerical computations inside Coq.
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ViTE is a trace explorer. It is a tool to visualize execution traces in Pajé or OTF format for debugging and profiling parallel or distributed applications. It is an open source software licenced under CeCILL-A.
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FELiScE (Finite Elements for Life Sciences and Engineering) is a parallel finite element library written in C++. https://team.inria.fr/commedia/software/felisce/
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Treerecs is an open-source (species- and gene-) tree reconciliation software.
It can correct, rearrange and (re-)root gene trees with regard to a given species tree.
Please visit https://project.inria.fr/treerecs/ for more about Treerecs
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Cado-NFS, An Implementation of the Number Field Sieve Algorithm
If you want to report bugs, or participate in cado-nfs development, read this
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Official repository for "Intracranial Aneurysm Detection: An object detection perspective" paper
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A tool to do conversions between Gamma Mesh Format (see libMeshb) files and VTK files for ParaView
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Music transcription framework based on parsing for weighted regular tree grammars
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N-body simulation using kernel independent Fast Multipole Method
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Pallas is a scalable trace format for HPC applications.
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A distributed multi-task learning system for neural networks. Including a clustering-based collaboration recommendation system.