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Portage en Python3 à partir de Vensim du modèle World3-2003 (révision de 2005).
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Code for "Bio-inspired analysis of deep learning on not-so-big data using data-prototypes"
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KOVAC Grgur / SocialAI_old_deprecated
MIT LicenseNew version: https://github.com/flowersteam/social-ai
This project aims to create baselines and environments containing NPCs. NPCs are usefull because they enable us to study simple social interactions and "intertwined" multi-modal actions and observations.
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GERMAIN Pascal / TDModal-reseaux_de_neurones
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalMatériel d'une petite séance pratique interne sur l'implémentation de réseaux de neurones avec la librairie pyTorch.
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Marko / juliaBindings
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlysnippets of the presentation given at Université de Lyon about binding Julia with C/Fortran/Pythp,
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Ce dossier contient tous les supports liés au cours IAS (L3, Introduction à l'Apprentissage Statistique)
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MIT LicensePAX2GRAPHML :A python library for large-scale regulation network analysis using BIOPAX
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DUBOIS Cedric / Copepod-Volume-Correction
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Correcting estimations of copepod volume from 2-dimensional images
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This repository proposes python bindings of C++ functions to approximate any multiparameter persistence module with an interval decomposable multipersistence module.
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minicroco / PSyclone for minicroco
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseA local clone of the PSyClone official repository (https://github.com/stfc/PSyclone) to store our local temporary changes for the studies we are doing and to keep track of them in a single place.
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LAVILLE Bastien / Off-the-grid python Package
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1OPS: Off-the-grid Package made Simple. It provides the framework and essential functions for numerical gridless algorithms
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A version of TsunamiLab running on cluster-driven wall displays.
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