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Implementing Bebida over Batsim: HPC and Big data jobs with preemption
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almanach / MetaGrammarToolkit / biomg
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterA French grammar generated from a MetaGrammar and compiled with DyALog, to be used to parse botanical descriptions. It is based on FRMG, a general MetaGrammar for French.
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Léo Cosseron / Bmc Cache
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyUpdated -
Cadbiom is an open source modeling software. Based on Guarded transition semantic, it gives a formal framework to help the modeling of biological systems such as cell signaling network.
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DYLISS / cadbiom
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Cadbiom is an open source modeling software. Based on Guarded transition semantic, it gives a formal framework to help the modeling of biological systems such as cell signaling network.
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pleiade / Containers / camisim
Apache License 2.0CAMISIM: Simulating metagenomes and microbial communities
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« Pourquoi ces avions font-ils autant de bruit ? » ou quand le calcul haute-performance s'invite en aéroacoustique
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CORSE / Compilers Tracking
The UnlicenseUpdated -
COMPRISE / COMPRISE STT training recipe
Apache License 2.0Unified training recipe for STT models on COMPRISE Cloud Platform
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Magnet / CoRTeX
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyCoRTex is a LGPL-licensed Python library for Noun Phrase coreference resolution in natural language texts. The version corresponds to a new implementation of the legacy 'cortex' project. Main novelty is the support of the French language.
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Lucas Nussbaum / debian-vm-templates
MIT LicenseUpdated -
HCL / DeCovA
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
The complete list of files for deliverable D2.1. Source code and report.
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The complete list of files for deliverable D2.1. Source code and report.