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In this project presented two statistically grounded approaches capable of evaluating binary classifiers in absence of annotated Ground Truth (subscribed data).
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COOMAN Adam / readwriteTextFile
Apache License 2.0Matlab functions to read a text file into a cell array of strings and to write cell arrays of strings to a text file
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datapol / gsl / gsl-omp
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
KOPERSKI Michal / yael
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyFork of yael (http://yael.gforge.inria.fr/)
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This software simulates a finite-time observer for continuous-time ODEs.
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COOMAN Adam / remezFIR
Apache License 2.0implementation of a Remez algorithm for the design of FIR filters
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MIT LicenseUpdated -
The MATLAB functions which have been used for simulations mentioned in the paper. The simulations have been focused on one-dimensional dissipative granular chains as well as on Newton's cradle.
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MARTINEZ MARTINEZ David / TouchstoneParser
CeCILL-C Free Software License AgreementUpdated -
some matlab functions to perform approximation with passive systems
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Demonstration prototype in a Hololens device of a smart personal assistant.
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Random dual error estimator for the PGD solution of parametrized problem.
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This is a simulation program based on virus dynamical spreading model. The code is in Chinese in the original Github repositories(https://github.com/LeoLeos/wuhanMatlabSimulation). The simulation is used only for theoretical reference.
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CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Code initially developed for a publication in the conference ICIP 2006. Part of it has been improved later on (up until 2010).