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# Copyright CNRS/Inria/UNS
# Contributor(s): Eric Debreuve (since 2019), Morgane Nadal (2020)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
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import pandas as pd_
import numpy as np_
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl_
import matplotlib.gridspec as gs_
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import scipy as si_
import seaborn as sb_

import sys as sy_
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from typing import List
def PCAOnDF(df: pd_.DataFrame(),
            target: str,
            targets: List[str],
            colors: List[str],
            save_name: str = None,
            title: str = ""
            ) -> list:
    Perform 2D PCA on the CHO-DIO dataframe.
    Print ratio variance and plot the PCA.
    # Separating the features from their conditions and durations
    all_target = pd_.DataFrame(df.loc[:, [target]].values, columns=[target])
    df_all = df.drop([target], axis=1)

    # Standardize the data
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    stand_df = scaler.transform(df_all)

    # Create the PCA and fit the data
    pca = PCA(n_components=2)
    principal_components = pca.fit_transform(stand_df)
    print(f"PCA explained variance ratio ({save_name}): ", pca.explained_variance_ratio_)

    principal_df = pd_.DataFrame(data=principal_components, columns=['principal component 1', 'principal component 2'])

    # Give the final df containing the principal component and their condition
    final_df = pd_.concat([principal_df, all_target[target]], axis=1)

    # Plot
    fig = pl_.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax.set_xlabel('Principal Component 1', fontsize=15)
    ax.set_ylabel('Principal Component 2', fontsize=15)
    ax.set_title(f'2 component PCA{title}', fontsize=20)
    for tgt, color in zip(targets, colors):
        idx = final_df[target] == tgt
        ax.scatter(final_df.loc[idx, 'principal component 1']
                   , final_df.loc[idx, 'principal component 2']
                   , c=color
                   , s=30)
    if save_name is not None:

    return pca.explained_variance_ratio_

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def KmeansOnDF(df: pd_.DataFrame(),
               nb_clusters: tuple,
               target: str,
               plot_bar: bool = True,
               rep_on_image: bool = False,
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               elbow: bool = False,
               intracluster_var: bool = True,
               save_name: str = None,
               title: str = "",
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               ) -> KMeans:
    Perform kmeans on the pandas dataframe. Can find the best number of cluster with elbow method,
    find the intracluster variance, and represent the result on the initial images.
    Returns kmeans.
    # Separating the features from their conditions and durations
    all_target = pd_.DataFrame(df.loc[:, [target]].values, columns=[target])
    df = df.drop([target], axis=1)

    # Data standardization
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    stand_df = scaler.fit_transform(df)

    # Best number of clusters using Elbow method
    if elbow:
        wcss = []  # within cluster sum of errors(wcss)
        for i in range(1, 24):
            kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=i, init='k-means++', max_iter=300, n_init=10, random_state=0)
        pl_.plot(range(1, 24), wcss)
        pl_.plot(range(1, 24), wcss, 'bo')
        pl_.title('Elbow Method')
        pl_.xlabel('Number of clusters')
    # Kmeans with x clusters
    for nb_cluster in nb_clusters:
        kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=nb_cluster, init='k-means++', max_iter=300, n_init=10, random_state=0)
        label_df = pd_.DataFrame(data=kmeans.labels_, columns=['label'])
        lab_cond_df = pd_.concat([label_df, all_target[target]], axis=1)

        # Intracluster variance
            var_df = pd_.DataFrame(stand_df)
            var = IntraClusterVariance(var_df, kmeans, nb_cluster)

        # Barplot
        if plot_bar:
            fig = pl_.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
            ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
            sb_.countplot(x="condition", hue="label", data=lab_cond_df, palette=sb_.color_palette("deep", n_colors=2))
            ax.set_title(f'Distribution of the clustering labels according to conditions{title}', fontsize=11)
            if save_name is not None:
                # pl_.close()

        # Representation on the image
        if rep_on_image:
            RepresentationOnImages(labeled_somas, kmeans, nb_cluster)

    return kmeans

def IntraClusterVariance(df: pd_.DataFrame(), kmeans: KMeans(), nb_cluster: int) -> list:
    Return the intracluster variance of a given cluster found by kmeans.
    var = []
    for cluster in range(nb_cluster):
        soma_cluster = [indx for indx, value in enumerate(kmeans.labels_) if value == cluster]
        mean_cluster = np_.average([df.iloc[row, :] for row in soma_cluster], axis=0)
        variance = sum([np_.linalg.norm(df.iloc[row, :] - mean_cluster) ** 2 for row in soma_cluster]) / (len(soma_cluster) - 1)

    print(f"Intracluster variance for {nb_cluster} clusters :", var)

    return var

def RepresentationOnImages(labeled_somas, kmeans, nb_cluster):
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    Represent the result of kmeans on labeled image. IN DVPT. Only available for a kmean intra-image.
    clustered_somas = labeled_somas.copy()
    clustered_somas = np_.amax(clustered_somas, axis=0)
    for indx, value in enumerate(kmeans.labels_):
        for indx_axe, axe in enumerate(clustered_somas):
            for indx_pixel, pixel in enumerate(axe):
                if pixel == indx + 1:
                    clustered_somas[indx_axe][indx_pixel] = value + 1
    pl_.imshow(clustered_somas, cmap="tab20")
    pl_.title(f"n cluster = {nb_cluster}")
def FeaturesStatistics(df: pd_.DataFrame(),
                       save_in: str = None,
                       title: str = "",
    Return the statistics allowing the user to choose the most relevant features to feed ML algorithms for ex.
    # Overview of the basic stats on each columns of df
    description = df.describe()
    if save_in is not None:

    df_scalar = df.drop(["duration", "condition"], axis=1)
    df_cond = df.drop(["duration"], axis=1)
    df_groupby_cond = df.drop("duration", axis=1).groupby("condition")
    df_groupby_dur = df.groupby("duration")
    condition = pd_.DataFrame(df.loc[:, ["condition"]].values, columns=["condition"])

    # Overview of features distribution and correlation

    ## /!\ if too many features, error in seaborn display
    ## Even by splitting the data : too intense!

    # Plot heat map with correlation matrix btw features
    # Compute the correlation matrix
    print("Heat map with correlation matrix btw features")
    corr_matrix = df_scalar.corr().abs()
    # Generate a mask for the upper triangle
    mask = np_.triu(np_.ones_like(corr_matrix, dtype=np_.bool))
    # Set up the figure
    fig, ax = pl_.subplots(figsize=(13, 9))
    # Generate a custom diverging colormap
    cmap = sb_.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True)
    # Draw the heatmap with the mask and correct aspect ratio
    sb_.heatmap(corr_matrix, mask=mask, cmap=cmap, center=0, square=True, linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={"shrink": .5}, xticklabels=False)
    ax.set_title(f'Features correlation heat map{title}', fontsize=20)
    if save_in is not None:
        pl_.savefig(f"{save_in}\\Features correlation heat map{title}.png")

    # Drop highly correlated features
    print("Drop highly correlated features")
    # Select upper triangle of correlation matrix
    upper = corr_matrix.where(np_.triu(np_.ones(corr_matrix.shape), k=1).astype(np_.bool))
    # Find index of feature columns with correlation greater than 0.9
    to_drop = [column for column in upper.columns if any(upper[column] > 0.9)]
    # Drop features
    drop_HCF_df = df_scalar.drop(df[to_drop], axis=1)
    if save_in:
        print(f"Selection of low correlated features in: {save_in}\\df_drop_highly_corr_feat.csv")

    # Statistics for each features
    dict_ks = {}
    dict_wx = {}
    dict_ks_dur = {}
    dict_wx_dur = {}

    for column in df_scalar.columns:
        cond_col_df = pd_.concat((df_scalar[column], df_cond["condition"]), axis=1)

        fig = pl_.figure(constrained_layout=False)
        gs = fig.add_gridspec(ncols=2, nrows=1)
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])

        # Plot a histogram and kernel density estimate
        print(f"Plot a histogram and kernel density estimate for feature {column}")
        CHO = cond_col_df.loc[cond_col_df['condition'] == "CHO"]
        DIO = cond_col_df.loc[cond_col_df['condition'] == "DIO"]

        sb_.distplot(CHO[[column]], color="b", ax=ax1)
        sb_.distplot(DIO[[column]], color="r", ax=ax1)

        # Draw a boxplot
        print(f"Plot a boxplot for feature {column}")
        sb_.boxplot(data=df_cond, x="condition", y=column, hue="condition", palette=["b", "r"], ax=ax2)
        ax1.set_title(f'{column} distribution{title}', fontsize=11)
        ax2.set_title(f'{column} boxplot{title}', fontsize=11)


        if save_in is not None:

        # Compare distribution between conditions (goodness of fit)
        print(f"Kolmogorov-Smirnov between conditions")
        ks = si_.stats.kstest(CHO[[column]], DIO[[column]])
        dict_ks[column] = ks

        # Compare median between conditions
        print(f"Wilcoxon signed-rank test between conditions")
        wx = si_.stats.wilcoxon(CHO[[column]], DIO[[column]])
        dict_wx[column] = wx

        # For each duration between conditions
        for duration, values in df_groupby_dur:
            dict_ks_dur[duration] = {}
            dict_wx_dur[duration] = {}

            duration_df = values.drop(["duration"])
            CHO_ = duration_df.loc[duration_df['condition'] == "CHO"]
            DIO_ = duration_df.loc[duration_df['condition'] == "DIO"]

            # Compare distribution
            print(f"Kolmogorov-Smirnov between conditions")
            ks2 = si_.stats.kstest(CHO[[column]], DIO[[column]])
            dict_ks_dur[duration][column] = ks2

            # Compare median
            print(f"Wilcoxon signed-rank test between conditions")
            wx2 = si_.stats.kstest(CHO[[column]], DIO[[column]])
            dict_wx_dur[duration][column] = wx2

        df_ks = pd_.DataFrame.from_dict()
        df_wx = pd_.DataFrame.from_dict()
        df_ks_dur = pd_.DataFrame.from_dict()
        df_wx_dur = pd_.DataFrame.from_dict()

        stat_tests_df = pd_.concatenate((df_ks, df_wx, df_ks_dur, df_wx_dur))

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if __name__ == "__main__":
    # os.chdir("path")
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    ## If need to concatenate files:
    # all_filenames = [i for i in glob.glob('*.{}'.format("csv"))]
    # print(all_filenames)
    # df = pd_.concat([pd_.read_csv(f, index_col=0) for f in all_filenames])
    # df.to_csv(".\combined_features.csv")

    ## If use labeled somas:
    # labeled_somas = np_.load("path.npy")
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    # df = pd_.read_csv(".\combined_features.csv", index_col=0)

    # path = sy_.argv[1]
    path = "D:\\MorganeNadal\\2_RESULTS\\Results_wo_erosion"

    df0 = pd_.read_csv(path,
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                      # index_col=0,
    df = df0.drop(["Unnamed: 0"], axis=1)

    # Statistical analysis

    # For the moment drop the columns with non scalar values, and un-useful values
    # - TO BE CHANGED (use distance metrics such as bhattacharyya coef, etc)
    df = df.drop(["soma uid",
                  "spherical_angles_eva", "spherical_angles_evb",
                  "hist_lengths", "hist_lengths_P", "hist_lengths_S",
                  "hist_curvature", "hist_curvature_P", "hist_curvature_S"],
    df = df.dropna(axis=0, how="any")

    # # -- PCA with all the features
    # # Between the two conditions, regardless the duration of experiment (2 conditions, all durations)
    # df_all = df.drop(["duration"], axis=1)
    # all_pca = PCAOnDF(df_all, target="condition", targets=["CHO", "DIO"], colors=["b", "r"], save_name="all_features")
    # # Between the two conditions, for each duration (2 conditions, 3 durations)
    # groupby_duration = df.groupby("duration")
    # duration_pca = []
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    # for duration, values in groupby_duration:
    #     # print(duration, values.shape)
    #     # groupby_condition = values.groupby("condition")
    #     # for cond, val in groupby_condition:
    #     #     print(cond, val.shape)
    #     ## duration: str, values: pd_.DataFrame()
    #     duration_df = values.drop(["duration"], axis=1)
    #     pca = PCAOnDF(duration_df,
    #                   target="condition",
    #                   targets=["CHO", "DIO"],
    #                   colors=["b", "r"],
    #                   save_name=f"{duration}_features",
    #                   title=f" - {duration} Sample")
    #     duration_pca.append(pca)

    # -- K-means with all the features (2 conditions)

    # # Between the two conditions, regardless the duration of experiment (2 conditions, all durations)
    # df_all = df.drop(["duration"], axis=1)
    # kmeans = KmeansOnDF(df_all,
    #                     target="condition",
    #                     nb_clusters=(2,),
    #                     elbow=False,
    #                     intracluster_var=True,
    #                     plot_bar=True,
    #                     save_name="all features"
    #                     )
    # # Between the two conditions, for each duration (2 conditions, 3 durations)
    # groupby_duration = df.groupby("duration")
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    # for duration, values in groupby_duration:
    #     duration_df = values.drop(["duration"], axis=1)
    #     kmeans = KmeansOnDF(duration_df,
    #                         target="condition",
    #                         nb_clusters=(2,),
    #                         elbow=False,
    #                         intracluster_var=True,
    #                         plot_bar=True,
    #                         save_name=f"{duration}_features",
    #                         title=f" - {duration} Sample",
    #                         )
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    ## -- Various plots to analyse the data and find discriminant features by statistical analysis
    ## TODO: Enter selected features here
    # selected_features = []
    # selected_df = df[selected_features]
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    # # -- PCA with selected features
    # # Between the two conditions, regardless the duration of experiment (2 conditions, all durations)
    # df_all = df.drop(["duration"], axis=1)
    # all_pca = PCAOnDF(df_all, target="condition", targets=["CHO", "DIO"], colors=["b", "r"], save_name="all_features")
    # # Between the two conditions, for each duration (2 conditions, 3 durations)
    # groupby_duration = df.groupby("duration")
    # duration_pca = []
    # for duration, values in groupby_duration:
    #     # print(duration, values.shape)
    #     # groupby_condition = values.groupby("condition")
    #     # for cond, val in groupby_condition:
    #     #     print(cond, val.shape)
    #     ## duration: str, values: pd_.DataFrame()
    #     duration_df = values.drop(["duration"], axis=1)
    #     pca = PCAOnDF(duration_df,
    #                   target="condition",
    #                   targets=["CHO", "DIO"],
    #                   colors=["b", "r"],
    #                   save_name=f"{duration}_features",
    #                   title=f" - {duration} Sample")
    #     duration_pca.append(pca)

    # -- K-means with selected features (2 conditions)

    # # Between the two conditions, regardless the duration of experiment (2 conditions, all durations)
    # df_all = df.drop(["duration"], axis=1)
    # kmeans = KmeansOnDF(df_all,
    #                     target="condition",
    #                     nb_clusters=(2,),
    #                     elbow=False,
    #                     intracluster_var=True,
    #                     plot_bar=True,
    #                     save_name="all features"
    #                     )
    # # Between the two conditions, for each duration (2 conditions, 3 durations)
    # groupby_duration = df.groupby("duration")
    # for duration, values in groupby_duration:
    #     duration_df = values.drop(["duration"], axis=1)
    #     kmeans = KmeansOnDF(duration_df,
    #                         target="condition",
    #                         nb_clusters=(2,),
    #                         elbow=False,
    #                         intracluster_var=True,
    #                         plot_bar=True,
    #                         save_name=f"{duration}_features",
    #                         title=f" - {duration} Sample",
    #                         )