GLcv tool
This tool is an OpenGL shader host (ShaderToy-compatible) able to transfer the render output to an OpenCV matrix object for processing, e.g. to run feature detection or optical flow algorithms. It also includes supplementary features helpful for statistical calculations.
# Getting the project
git clone
# Or
git pull
# Update modules
git submodule update --init --recursive
Table of contents
Getting started
The following tools and libraries are required:
- CMake
- C++14-enabled compiler (recent GCC or clang3.8+)
- Boost 1.58
- OpenGL 4.x
nanogui (included, but needs dependencies
) - OpenCV with CUDA support
- CUDA 8
If you want to build sample videos, ffmpeg is also needed.
To install the required dependencies on 16.04:
# Development (and OpenCV) package dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y cmake libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev \
libboost-all-dev libglew-dev libopencv-dev build-essential checkinstall \
pkg-config yasm libtiff5-dev libjpeg-dev libjasper-dev libavcodec-dev \
libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libdc1394-22-dev libtiff4-dev \
libgstreamer0.10-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev libv4l-dev \
python-dev python-numpy libtbb-dev libqt4-dev libgtk2.0-dev libfaac-dev \
libmp3lame-dev libopencore-amrnb-dev libopencore-amrwb-dev libtheora-dev \
libvorbis-dev libxvidcore-dev x264
# CUDA 8 installation
wget -O cuda.deb
# For 14.04
#wget -O cuda.deb
sudo dpkg -i cuda.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y cuda
# OpenCV compiled version (~ 5GB)
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xjvf /net/vendion/disc/opencv2.tar.bz2
# oglplus
git clone --branch 0.69.0
cd oglplus
sudo ./ --no-docs --no-examples --use-gl-init-lib GLFW3 --build --install
Project Makefiles can be generated using the following command (once), from this directory:
# See script for details
Then, from the build
directory, generate the binaries using the following command:
make -j8
This generates a GLcv
binary in the build
Note: You can build the GLcv application without OpenCV support by appending the
when running
. However, you must have libpng-dev
installed and all render and analysis features will be disabled.
Building the docs
When the Unix makefiles have been generated, you can generate the docs using the following commands:
# In the build/ directory
make doc
# Open the resulting web pages
firefox html/index.html
# Compile the doc as a PDF (requires pdflatex)
cd latex
# Open the resulting PDF
evince refman.pdf
Building the sample videos
If the ffmpeg
package was installed when running the CMake command, you can
generate the sample videos using the following command:
# In the build/ directory
make samples
Rendered videos will be stored in the build/render
directory, or if a /disc
directory is present, build/render
will be symlinked to
where the actual rendered files are stored.
Do not use any parallel options (-j
) as this will only slow down the process
(both GLcv and ffmpeg use all cores on the CPU).
$ ./build/GLcv --help
GLcv ShaderToy OpenCV host:
--help show a help message
-c [ --config ] arg path to toy config
-f [ --fps ] arg (=60) target framerate
--cv arg OpenCV algorithm to apply
-w [ --width ] arg (=800) window width
-h [ --height ] arg (=600) window height
-W [ --size ] arg (=-1) window size (square, overrides -w and -h)
-z [ --zoom ] arg (=1) zoom factor, relative to specified size
--render.dir arg (="frames") screenshot output folder
--render.start arg (=-1) starting frame for render
--render.end arg (=-1) exclusive ending frame for render
--render.format arg (=0) screenshot format (PNG, TIFF or EXR)
--accumulator.buffer arg buffer to accumulate the frames from
--accumulator.depth arg (=128) number of frames to retain in the accumulator
-r [ --restore ] [=arg(="")] restore the program state from the state file
associated with the config
-s [ --store ] arg path for the output program state storage
-D [ --define ] arg preprocessor defines for the shader code
--vsync enable VSync
--postprocess arg (="") postprocessing pass, as a GLSL shader
--no-gui hide the GUI when starting the application
--image.shader arg shader file for buffer image
--image.0.type arg (=texture) type of input for image.0
--image.0.source arg source for input image.0
--image.0.wrap arg (=repeat) wrapping mode for input image.0
--image.0.filter arg (=mipmap) filtering mode for input image.0
--a.shader arg shader file for buffer a
--a.0.type arg (=texture) type of input for a.0
Note: if keybindings don't work, use an alternate (AZERTY/QWERTY) keyboard layout.
Key | Play mode | Pause mode |
Q | Quit | Quit |
D | Enable/disable OpenCV | Enable/disable OpenCV |
S | Enable/disable split mode | Enable/disable split mode |
R | Reload the rendering context | Reload the rendering context |
P | Switch to pause mode | Switch to play mode |
Left | Play backward | Move back one frame |
Right | Play forward | Move forward one frame |
W | Take a screenshot | Take a screenshot |
L | Restore state | Restore state |
M | Save state | Save state |
This tool uses OpenGL to host ShaderToy programs, while enabling the use of OpenCV to anlayze and process the generated frames. The wrapper.fsh file declares the supported uniforms for hosted programs.
The Boost program_options library is used to support configuring the shader
being tested, which means all options in the output from ./GLcv --help
can be
specified in an INI-formatted configuration file.
This is an example of a basic ShaderToy program config:
// gradient.ini
# program file for the image buffer
shader = gradient.fsh
// gradient.fsh
// Default shader from the ShaderToy 'New' page
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
fragColor = vec4(uv,0.5+0.5*sin(iGlobalTime),1.0);
// Running the example
./GLcv gradient.ini
Note: options from the command line override options in the config file.
Internally, there are 5 rendering buffers corresponding respectively to the "Image", a, b, c and d buffers from ShaderToy. They are all rendered in sequence, as long as they have a shader program associated, to a dedicated framebuffer. The output of the Image buffer is moved to GPU global memory for processing by the OpenCV GPU (CUDA) module. The output of the chosen processing algorithm is then rendered to the screen using OpenGL. Postprocessing of this result may include vertical split rendering to compare the algorithm output and its input. Vsync is set to the driver default.
The tool also supports a batch render mode (enabled by specifying the wanted
number of frames using --render.frames
), which render frames to the frames/
subdirectory, using the specified CV algorithm. No output is shown during rendering
to speed up the process.
The tool also implements an image accumulator, which is a 3D texture whose
layers (r
texture coordinates) are the previously n
rendered frames of a
chosen buffer. It is a circular buffer, meaning the oldest frames will be
replaced by newer frames once enough frames have been generated. The number of
stored frames is given by --accumulator.depth
. The output is taken from the
buffer given by --accumulator.buffer
. This texture is available to all shaders
as the iAccumulator
3D sampler, and iAccumulatorDepth
corresponding to the
number of layers in the accumulator. Its resolution is the same as the rendering
context (ie. as available in iResolution
Implemented CV algorithms
: just copies input to its output (default) -
: Fourier spectrum magnitude visualization. Magnitude is scaled based on its histogram to feature a good contrast for viewing. -
: LK optical flow as implemented by OpenCV. Visualization is WIP.
Unsupported features
The following features from ShaderToy are not supported by this tool yet:
- Video inputs (and related uniforms)
- Sound (and related uniforms)
- Wrapping and filtering options for render buffer as inputs
How do I add more uniforms to be used by the shader buffers?
The state of uniform parameters is kept in an instance of the ShaderInputsType
class, which is a member of the GLcvApp
class. This type is declared in
UniformState.hpp towards the end of the file.
If you want to declare, let's say a vec3
uniform, insert at line 267 a declaration
for this uniform, as follows:
/// oglplus::Vec3f is the OpenGL wrapper 3 float component vector type
DECLARE_UNIFORM(oglplus::Vec3f, iMyCustomUniform);
Then, register this uniform as a part of the program state in the ShaderInputsType
definition, as follows:
/// Default program state typedef
typedef ShaderInputs<
iMyCustomUniform // <-- HERE
> ShaderInputsType;
You can then update this uniform from other applicative code, using the following
syntax (assuming state
is of type GLcv::ShaderInputsType&
state.V<iMyCustomUniform>() = oglplus::Vec3f(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
The corresponding uniform in shader code is uniform vec3 iMyCustomUniform;
. You
can add it to your own code or to the wrapper file. It must
be declared for the GLSL compilation to succeed.