On-line force capability evaluation based on efficient polytope vertex search
by Antun Skuric, Vincent Padois, David Daney
Published at ICRA2021

New on-line polytope vertex search algorithm optimised for force and velocity polytope evaluation of serial robots.
This repository consists of
- Paper
- final pdf version of the paper
Matlab/octave implementation
- full modular algorithm implementation
- benchmarking comparison of three vertex search algorithms for FRANKA Emika Panda and UR5 robot
Python module for calculating robot capacity
- force/velocity/acceleration polytope
- force/velocity manipulability ellipsoid
- quick demo jupyter script
- ROS packages and catkin workspace for FRANKA Emika Panda robot capacity calculation
On-line force capability evaluation based on efficient polytope vertex search (submitted for presentation at ICRA 2021) from Auctus on Vimeo.
Matlab / Octave testing scripts
In the matlab_octave
directory you can find two testing scripts intended for benchmarking of vertex search algorithms
They are both testing the performance of three vertex search algorithms on Franka Emika Panda robot and UR5 robot:
On-line force capability evaluation based on efficient polytope vertex search
by Antun Skuric, Vincent Padois, David Daney
[f_vert, matrix_inverse_count] = polytope_auctus(Jacobian_mat,tau_min,tau_max);
Evaluation of Force Capabilities for Redundant manipulatiors
by P.Chiacchio, Pierrot et al.
[f_vert, matrix_inverse_count] = polytope_pierrot(Jacobian_mat,tau_min,tau_max);
Vertex search algorithm of convex polyhedron representing upper limb manipulation ability
by Sasaki et al.
[f_vert, matrix_inverse_count] = polytope_sasaki(Jacobian_mat,tau_min,tau_max);
Python capacity module
The work described in the paper is fully implemented in python in the frame of the pycapacity
pip package. This module you can easily integrate in your python project by isntalling it using pip
pip install pycapacity
The pycapacity
module implements multiple task-space capacity metrics for robots and human musculoskeletal models. The robot metrics are contained in the pycapacity.robot
import pycapacity.robot as capacity
Module functions
: acceleration ellipsoid calculation (dynamic manipulability ellipsoid) -
: Acceleration polytope calculating function -
: Acceleration polytope calculating function -
: force manipulability ellipsoid calculation -
: Force polytope representing the capacities of the two robots in a certain configuration -
: Force polytope representing the intersection of the capacities of the two robots in certain configurations. -
: Force polytope representing the intersection of the capacities of the two robots in certain configurations. -
: Force polytope representing the minkowski sum of the capacities of the two robots in certain configurations. -
: Force polytope representing the capacities of the two robots in a certain configuration. -
: velocity manipulability ellipsoid calculation -
: Velocity polytope calculating function -
: Velocity polytope calculating function, with faces
See demo_notebook.ipynb
for one example use case of the module.
ROS panda capacity package and catkin
In the ROS_nodes
directory you can find the implementation of the python capacity module for a specific use case of Panda robot. The directory consists of two ros packages:
- hkl-kdl: a fork of http://wiki.ros.org/hrl-kdl
- franka_description: Panda robot definitions from Franka Emika http://wiki.ros.org/franka_description
- panda_capacity: the capacity solver for Panda robot
Install the ros packages - using catkin
To run panda robot capacity calculation nodes first clone the repository and submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules git@gitlab.inria.fr:askuric/polytope_vertex_search.git
package will calculate is an example implementation of the task space capacity calculation for for Franka Emika Panda robot in a form of a catkin ros package.
It uses the library KDL for reading the robot urdf ad it depends on
- hrl-kdl package (https://gitlab.inria.fr/auctus-team/people/antunskuric/ros_nodes/hrl-kdl)
- franka_description package (https://gitlab.inria.fr/auctus/panda/torque-qp-extended/franka_description)
The three packages are shown in the ROS/packages
folder. And you can find an example catkin workspace in the ROS/catkin_ws
Create your won catkin workspace
Then create new catkin workspace:
mkdir ~/capacity_ws && cd ~/capacity_ws/
mkdir src && cd src
Then you can either copy the folders from ROS/packages
into the capacity_ws/src
folder for example:
cp -r ~/polytope_vertex_search/ROS/packages/* .
or clone the packages directly
git clone git@gitlab.inria.fr:auctus-team/people/antunskuric/ros_nodes/panda_capacity.git
git clone git@gitlab.inria.fr:auctus/panda/torque-qp-extended/franka_description.git
git clone git@gitlab.inria.fr:auctus-team/people/antunskuric/ros_nodes/hrl-kdl.git
Finally you can build the workspace
cd ..
catkin_make # catkin build
And you should be ready to go!
For visualizing the polytopes in RVIZ you will need to install the jsk-rviz-plugin
sudo apt install ros-*-jsk-rviz-plugins # melodic/kinetic... your ros version
And you'll need to install the pip package pycapacity
pip install pycapacity
One panda simulation
Once when you have everything installed you will be able to run the interactive simulations and see the polytope being visualised in real-time.

To see a simulation with one panda robot and its force and velocity manipulatibility ellipsoid and polytope run the command in the terminal.
source ~/capacity_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch panda_capacity one_panda.launch
Two panda simulation
To demonstrate the collaborative robotics applications of our algorithm we have provided an interactive simulation of two panda robots where use can visualise their separate and joint force capacities.

For the interactive simulation of two panda robots with their own capacity measures you can simply run the commands:
source ~/capacity_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch panda_capacity two_panda.launch
Minkowski sum of polytopes

Open a new terminal and run the command:
rosrun panda_capacity panda_force_polytope_sum.py
Intersection of polytopes

Open a new terminal and run the command:
rosrun panda_capacity panda_force_polytope_intersection.py