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Fix arm

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
PACKAGE = "panda_qp_control"
from dynamic_reconfigure.parameter_generator_catkin import *
gen = ParameterGenerator()
gen.add('Kp_x', double_t, 0, "Proportionnal gain of the robot's PID main task (x)", 1000, 0, 100000)
gen.add('Kp_y', double_t, 0, "Proportionnal gain of the robot's PID main task (y)", 1000, 0, 100000)
gen.add('Kp_z', double_t, 0, "Proportionnal gain of the robot's PID main task (z)", 1000, 0, 100000)
gen.add('Kp_rx', double_t, 0, "Proportionnal gain of the robot's PID main task (Rx)", 63, 0, 1000)
gen.add('Kp_ry', double_t, 0, "Proportionnal gain of the robot's PID main task (Ry)", 63, 0, 1000)
gen.add('Kp_rz', double_t, 0, "Proportionnal gain of the robot's PID main task (Rz)", 63, 0, 1000)
# size_enum = gen.enum([ gen.const("Small", int_t, 0, "A small constant"),
# gen.const("Medium", int_t, 1, "A medium constant"),
# gen.const("Large", int_t, 2, "A large constant"),
# gen.const("ExtraLarge", int_t, 3, "An extra large constant")],
# "An enum to set size")
# gen.add("size", int_t, 0, "A size parameter which is edited via an enum", 1, 0, 3, edit_method=size_enum)
exit(gen.generate(PACKAGE, "panda_qp_control", "TorqueQPCtrl"))
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